What Causes Thyroiditis?

What Causes Thyroiditis?

When our thyroid gland is inflamed, it is referred to as thyroiditis. There are many kinds of thyroiditis and it is important to know about them, since each type has a specific treatment regime.

Hashimoto’s ThyroiditisWhat Causes Thyroiditis?

Chronic lymphocytic or autoimmune thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is the most usual variety of thyroiditis. This thyroiditis was named after Hakaru Hashimoto, a Japanese doctor who first explained this condition in 1912.

In this condition, the enlarged thyroid gland is always present, though the enlargement can be either on both sides or on one side of the thyroid. Initially the thyroid cells fail to convert iodine into the thyroid hormones. Thus, they try to compensate for this by increasing the number of thyroid cells, thereby enlarging the gland.

Uptake of the radioactive iodine might be high, this is a quite paradoxical finding since the patient is actually hypothyroid. But the gland is still capable of absorbing the iodine, even though it cannot manufacture thyroid hormone anymore.

With the disease onset, initially TSH levels rise as the pituitary tries to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more hormones. But the T4 level keep on falling, making the patient hypothyroid. These changes can either occur slowly over the span of years or it can happen in the matter of a couple of weeks.

  • What Causes Thyroiditis?First step should be the replacement of thyroid hormones in the form of thyroid drugs. This will not only correct the hypothyroidism but also prevent further increase in the size of the gland.
  • Research has shown that once the hormone replacing therapy has started, the gland will start shrinking.
  • In ninety-five percent of the cases, antibodies are positive and they are an important marker for the identification of this disorder, instead of using invasive approaches like surgery or thyroid biopsy.
  • The thyroid antibodies might be found in a person who has been cured or someone who is still on the hormone replacing therapy.

De Quervain’s Thyroiditis

This thyroiditis is also known as granulomatous or sub acute thyroiditis. Its incidence is less compared to the Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In this condition, the gland enlarges abruptly and is tender on touch and very painful for the patient.

Initially, the thyroid releases increased amounts of the thyroid hormones, rendering the patient hyperthyroid. After some time, it exhausts and stops taking up any iodine, thus making the patient hypothyroid.

  • Patient feels tired and sick and prefers to stay in the bed.
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is high; this is a marker for the inflammation.
  • Thyroid antibodies are absent.What Causes Thyroiditis?
  • Best treatment is bed rest, aspirin and steroid.
  • Almost all patients recuperate and their normal thyroid functions return.
  • Recurrences are not that common.

Silent Thyroiditis

This type of thyroiditis has the feature of both De Quervain’s and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. There is no pain and biopsy is similar to the Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. On the other hand, the uptake of radioactive iodine is decreased and thyroid blood test is also high, just like the De Quervain’s thyroiditis.

This condition is more common in the post-partum females. It generally does not require any treatment. The best treatment is bed rest and beta blockers.

Thyroid: The Cholesterol Connection

Thyroid: The Cholesterol Connection

Thyroid: The Cholesterol ConnectionAnimal foods contain a waxy stuff, called cholesterol, which is synthesized in our liver. It is carried around by special fat-transporting proteins present in our blood. It is essential for the production of many hormones and for the maintenance of nerve cells.

High cholesterol, or hypercholesterolemia, is caused due to the excess of cholesterol in the body. This excess can be produced by increased consumption of cholesterol or its improper metabolization by the body. Cholesterol has a tendency to deposit in arterial walls, particularly in the arteries surrounding the heart, therefore it can impede the blood flow in them, thus raising the chances of stroke and heart attack. High levels of cholesterol is a major risk for the heart diseases.

A number of people are fighting to keep their cholesterol levels low. They are using exercise, a balanced diet, cholesterol-lowering drugs etc. for this purpose. In some people, the culprit behind their increased cholesterol levels is hypothyroidism. In such patients, treating their hypothyroidism can automatically correct their cholesterol levels.

About Hypothyroidism

Hypoactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, is a condition in which your thyroid gland becomes hypoactive. Basically, the thyroid is a gland which is butterfly in shape and located a little below our Adam’s apple, in front of our neck. It produces the thyroid hormones which, in turn, regulate our metabolism, growth and development. When the production of thyroid hormones become inadequate, your metabolism slows down and consequently the cholesterol balance is impaired.Thyroid: The Cholesterol Connection

Hypothyroidism can having following symptoms:

  • Difficulty losing weight or weight gain.
  • Exhaustion or fatigue.
  • Asthenia or sluggishness.
  • Mood swings, anxiety, depression.
  • Dry or itchy skin.
  • Menstrual irregularities, such as heavier or more frequent periods.
  • Coarse, dry or thinning hair.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pain, muscle cramps.
  • Intolerance to cold.

Diagnose Yourself For Hypothyroidism

If your cholesterol levels are high and you want to rule out hypothyroidism as the underlying cause, then trying the following steps:

  1. First of all, you can palpate you own thyroid gland to find out any abnormalities, for example enlargement, nodules etc.
  2. Secondly, you can assess your thyroid status by filing out a ‘Hypothyroidism Symptoms Checklist’. This is an elaborate checklist which assesses your symptoms and risk factors related to hypothyroidism. Moreover, you can use this list for the prognosis of your already existing thyroid disease and also determine if the medications are working for you.
  3. Ask your physician to check you TSH level, i.e. thyroid stimulating hormone. This particular test can identify your hypothyroidism and it can also help evaluate the underlying cause for your thyroid dysfunction.
  4. Thyroid: The Cholesterol ConnectionIf your TSH levels turn out to be normal, even in the presence of hypothyroidism, then you should try interpreting them another way. There are a number of methods to redefine a correct ‘normal’ range for the TSH. You can discuss it with your physician.
  5. Lastly, if you have normal levels of TSH but you also have family history of thyroid disorders or symptoms of hypothyroidism, then you must get you thyroid antibodies checked. If these antibodies are present in your blood, this signifies an underlying autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland.

Fight Goiters With Cayenne Pepper

Fight Goiters With Cayenne Pepper

Fight Goiters With Cayenne PepperWhen you hear the word goiter a lot of freaky horror movie creatures can come to mind. A goiter is kind of scary, but it’s really just when your thyroid becomes swollen. The one that is on your neck is shaped like a butterfly so when it gets bigger, it is noticeable. This can be because of the iodine in your body becoming too low or your thyroid is messing up the hormones it’s supposed to emit which control your metabolism. When this gets out of whack the hormones your body receives can be too vast or too few wreaking all kinds of havoc on your body and making you feel bad. To top it off you might end up with a huge abnormality on your neck which is never a good time.

Treating in a Nontraditional Manner

Cayenne pepper is a known natural way to get your circulation going. This is not necessarily a way a doctor would tell you to treat a goiter, but it is one way to do it. When you go to a doctor they might just keep an eye on it if it’s small enough. If it is larger than they might take more action, but if you are someone who likes to try and treat things naturally then this might be the way for you to go. If you can stand the heat it actually tastes good on

Treatment and Symptoms

Fight Goiters With Cayenne PepperA doctor who is treating a sizable goiter will provide medication that will help with the cause of it. Some doctors will tell you if it isn’t bothering you not to come in, but if it is big enough for them to see it then it is probably bothering you. If it is being caused by hypothyroidism then they will know what to do. In extreme cases they might use radiation or surgery, but that is the last option they want to go with. When you are experiencing the goiter as a result of your thyroid acting up you might have chills, gain weight, and be very tired. It can make doing anything in your life a lot harder and exercise is almost out of the question. This is one of the main reasons you will find it causes weight gain.

So Why Would Pepper Help?

The Cayenne has capsaicin in it which is what makes it hot. This is why it gets the circulation going. It is not necessarily scientifically proven, but it has been studied and shown to work for those suffering. A goiter is not going to hurt, but it looks unattractive and most people just want to get rid of them. It’s important to remember if your goiter does not get better with the use of the pepper then you should still see a doctor. Another benefit of the pepper which may also help with the thyroid issue is that it can suppress your desire to eat and you might in turn lose some weight.

Shrink a Thyroid With Nutrition

Shrink A Goiter With Nutrition

The thyroid gland is present in front of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. When it enlarges, it leads to the formation of a swelling called the goiter. Lack of iodine in the diet can cause a goiter. This is true for the areas like South America, Africa and Asia.

Shrink a Goiter With NutritionAmong other causes of goiter, we have hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, which is an underactive and an overactive thyroid, respectively. Sometimes, this problem can occur without any obvious reason. Although, you have to take prescribed medication for the most thyroid disorders but in certain cases, you can use couple of complementary treatments, which could be added to the daily routine.

Step 1

Whenever you experience some problems with your thyroid, always see your doctor first. He will conduct a series of tests, for example blood tests, scans, ultrasounds and biopsies etc. to check the status of your thyroid gland. If needed, he might prescribe you certain thyroid drugs. If you want to try any complementary cure, such as minerals, vitamins, herbal remedies etc., then consult with him before adding it to your routine.

Step 2

If your doctor recommends it, you can add iodized table salt to your diet. Other food items which are a rich source of iodine include seaweed, shrimp, sushi, kelp and shell fish etc. On the contrary, if your physician points out that the iodine levels in your body are very high, then you must reduce its intake in your daily diet. Because, in certain cases, excessive iodine can overstimulate your pituitary and thyroid gland, thus leading to the goiter.

Step 3

Improve your diet and make sure it is a balanced diet and you are receiving all of the nutrients properly. If you are living near the ocean, add locally produced, fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products to your diet. This is because soil in the coastal areas is rich in iodine, and can be absorbed by the vegetation grown in it.

Step 4

Shrink a Goiter With NutritionThe deficiency of selenium can also decrease the thyroid functions. It can occur in certain cases, such as Crohn’s disease, in which a portion of your small intestine or stomach is resected or in phenylketonuria, in which you have to take a special diet which might be deficient in selenium. You can replenish selenium levels naturally, by adding cod, beef, turkey breast and canned tuna in your diet.

Tips and Tricks

  • A huge goiter, which is occluding your windpipe or throat, might require a surgery.
  • You can lessen inflammation in the case of an inflammatory thyroid disease, with the help of hot packs of the castor oil. These packs are used traditionally for reducing inflammation in disorders like joint pain, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, joint pain and pain in the lower back.


  • The deficiency of iodine is a grave issue which might lead to miscarriage, birth defects, weight gain, mental retardation and learning disorders. Therefore, you must follow your physician’s treatment plan cautiously.
  • Castor oil can be used externally only. Do not ingest it. Make sure to keep it out of the reach of pets and children.

Herbal Thyroid Treatment

Herbal Goiter Treatment

The enlargement of a thyroid gland is referred to as a goiter. A goiter might be visible as a swelling in the front of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. As this swelling enlarges, it can cause pressure effects, such as hoarseness of the voice, feeling of tightness in the throat, difficulty in breathing, difficulty in swallowing or cough etc. There are many causes of goiter, for example pregnancy, deficiency of iodine, inflammatory disorders, malignant or benign nodes, radiation, intake of foods containing goitrogens etc. It has been observed that the goiter can be shrunk naturally by using herbs. But before you try the herbal treatment, always consult a health practitioner for the expert advice.

Herbal TreatmentHerbal Goiter Treatment

Herbs act in various ways to reduce the size of the thyroid swelling. Certain herbs also contain iodine, such herbs are ideal for the treatment of the goiter caused by the deficiency of iodine. On the other hand, some herbs are effective for a hyperactive or a hypoactive thyroid as they can help in the regulation of the thyroid hormone production. You should confer with an expert, for advice on the preparation and dosage of herbs used, for the enlarged goiter.


Fugus vesiculosus, or Bladderwack, is a known seaweed species which is found worldwide. It contains iodine which makes it perfect for curing the goiter caused by the lack of iodine. Herbalists have been using it to regulate the thyroid function. It is especially effective in the case where thyroid disease co-exists with obesity, as it helps in losing the weight. Avoid using this herb for longer duration because it can block the absorption of iron in the body. Moreover, you must keep in mind to not use it along with other thyroid medication.


A perennial kind of herb known as Lycopus virginicus, or bugleweed, is native to North America. Traditional healers have been using the aerial parts of this herb to treat breast pain, overactive thyroid, weak heart and edema. It is full of substances like tannis, flavonoids and phenotic acids. According to the studies, bugleweed inhibits thyrotropin, which is a thyroid stimulating hormone. Excess of the thyrotropin can produce a goiter. Many herbalists have recommended bugleweed for the treatment of hyperthyroid conditions and enlarged goiter. Beware of using this drug if you are already taking thyroidHerbal Goiter Treatment medicines and diuretics.


Another perennial herb known by the names Leonarus cardiac, or motherwort, is found in Asia and Europe. The active agents I this herb are flavonoids, leonurine, tannins, alkaloids, iridoid, glycosides and stachydrine etc. This herb can effectively shrink the enlarged thyroid. Just like bugleweed, motherwort is also suggested for the treatment of a hyperactive or swollen thyroid gland. Herbalists especially recommend this herb for the treatment of thyroid diseases associated with heart symptoms, such as shortness of breath, breathlessness on lying down, palpitation, chest pain and tachycardia etc. But be careful to not use this herb along with other thyroid or heart medications.

So, if you prefer natural and organic methods of treatment, the above mentioned herbs are perfect solution for your thyroid problems like goiter etc.

Fish Oil & Iodine for Thyroid

Do Fish Oil Pills Provide Iodine?

Iodine is a micronutrient which is required by your body for the production of thyroid hormones. Nevertheless, if iodine is consumed in excess it will lead to thyroid disorders, such as a hyperactive thyroid. According to Recommended Daily Allowance, 150 mcg per day is needed to keep the normal functioning of thyroid in adults. Sometimes, people with a hypoactive thyroid are prescribed iodine, but it is extremely dangerous to use iodine in the presence of a hyperactive thyroid and without recommendation from a physician. Certain food items, such as seafood and iodized salt, are good sources of iodine. Even though, no health risks related to iodine are caused by fish oil supplements generally but you should always seek the doctor’s advice before taking them.Do Fish Oil Pills Provide Iodine?

Iodine In Fish Pills

It is a known fact that seafood, such as fish and seaweed etc., is rich in dietary iodine. Therefore, some quantity of iodine might be present in the fish oil supplements. The iodine content in these supplements is processed. The cod fish is very rich in iodine and it contains approximately 99 mcg of iodine in three oz. of fish. That is why, the cod liver oil contains the most amount of iodine compared to other fish oil supplements. Therefore, you should be more careful using the cod liver oil especially if you are allergic to iodine. You can contact the producer to inquire about the iodine content of the fish oil pills you ae using.

Although iodine may be present in the fish oil pills, but its quantity is not very significant. That is why unlike foods rich in iodine and iodine supplements, fish oil is not contraindicated in a hyperactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism. Health authorities do not discourage from the use of fish oil pills in people taking thyroid medication, in people with thyroid disease or iodine allergy. In fact, some authorities advise using fish oil pills in people suffering from hyperthyroidism, because of its anti-inflammatory qualities.

Other Sources Of Iodine

To keep adequate supply of iodine for the normal functioning of thyroid gland or taking increased iodine for a hypoactive thyroid gland, you can use the following food items which are very good sources of iodine.

  • Iodized salt: 1 g provides 77 mcg of iodine.
  • Cow’s milk: 1 cup supplies 56 mcg of iodine.
  • Shrimp: A 3 oz. serving provides 35 mcg of iodine.
  • Navy beans: Half cup provides 32 mcg of iodine.
  • Seaweed: ¼ oz. of dried up seaweed contains around 4500 mcg of iodine. So, use it in moderation to avoid excess of iodine in your body.Do Fish Oil Pills Provide Iodine?


Iodine content of fish oil is not sufficient to produce any serious thyroid problems. But it is linked to a number of other health risks. If taken by a person suffering from liver disease, it can increase the chances of bleeding, significantly. In people suffering from AIDS or HIV, using fish oil can make their condition worse by affecting the immune system. If you are taking medications for lowering blood pressure, using fish oil can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure. So, be careful and avoid consuming fish oil in these cases.

Excessive Iodine for Thyroid

The Risks of Excessive Iodine

Hypothyroidism is an ailment in which the production of thyroid hormones is inadequate. This problem can be caused by a number of reasons, such as the excessive use of iodine in the diet. Excessive consumption of iodine can block the activity of thyroid glands. This is a very rare problem in developed countries. Nonetheless, hypothyroidism can become a grave issue, so if you ever notice an issue with the thyroid gland, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Thyroid Gland And IodineThe Risks of Excessive Iodine

Iodine is a micronutrient, required by our body in the trace amounts. Seventy to eighty percent of iodine resides in our thyroid glands. Iodine is vital for the proper output of the thyroid hormones, which in turn is essential for our development and growth. This production of hormones can be suppressed by increased intake of iodine in the diet. Hypothyroidism may result which has symptoms like constipation, weight gain, depression, brittle hair and nails, joint pain, dry skin, sensitivity to temperature changes and hoarseness of voice.

Risk Factors For Hypothyroidism

The recommended daily allowance for dietary iodine in 120 mcg to 150 mcg. Consuming iodine more than 150 mcg will make you prone to the development of hypothyroidism. In addition to this, a middle aged or older woman suffering from some kind of an autoimmune condition or receiving radioactive iodine as a treatment is extremely susceptible to this condition. Similarly, if you are given anti-thyroid medications for hyperthyroidism, you might develop hypothyroidism as a side effect. Sometimes pregnant females can also develop hypothyroidism. In extreme cases, decreased intake of dietary iodine can also develop into hypothyroidism, but this is very rare in developed countries like America.

Prevention And Treatment

For the treatment of hypothyroidism, your physician will prescribe you synthetic agents which mimic like thyroid hormones such as levothyroxine. Dosage of levothyroxine will be adjusted in relation to the severeness of the condition. If underlying cause of your hypothyroidism is excessive intake of dietary iodine then you can prevent recurrences and relapses by refraining from the use of iodine rich food items. For example you can stop using table salt, kelp, shellfish, cow’s milk, turkey breast, cod, baked potatoes, lima beans, summer squash, garlic and Swiss chard etc. You can seek advice from your doctor regarding the changes in your diet.The Risks of Excessive Iodine

Keep In Mind

If not treated in time, hypothyroidism can take a grave course. You might develop symptoms such as puffy face, altered sensations of smell, a metallic taste in the mouth, burning sensation in the throat and mouth, thickening of the skin and a slowed speech pattern. In severe cases, you can even suffer from shortness of breath, fever, coughing, little or no urine output, shock and seizures. If you feel there is something wrong with your thyroid gland, consult your doctor as soon as possible. Tell him or her all of the details like what your normal iodine intake is and what symptoms you are suffering from. This will help him or her to plan out a proper treatment course for the cure of your disease.

Diagnosing Hypothyroidism

Diagnosing Hypothyroidism

Your general physician or an endocrinologist can diagnose and treat the hypothyroidism. Before making a diagnosis, a number of factors are considered, such as signs, symptoms, patient’s age, onset etc. This not only helps to determine the cause but also the severity of hypothyroidism. Final diagnosis is made after thoroughly reviewing symptoms of the patient, family and medical history, physical examination, risk factors and thyroid hormone blood tests. There are a number of blood tests for the thyroid but the best among them is the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test. Sometimes, you doctor might recommend total T4 or free T4 (free thyroxine) test.

Diagnosing HypothyroidismWhy Symptoms Alone are not enough?

The symptomatology of the hypothyroidism is very usual complaints which are even seen in the people with perfectly normal thyroid gland. Therefore, it might be difficult to establish whether your symptoms are actually due to a thyroid disorder. One way to figure this out is to ask about the duration of symptoms. For example, do you always feel chilly when others are felling warm? When did you start noticing lack of energy in yourself? If the patient is experiencing new symptoms, it might be associated with the thyroid disease. However, only an expert, such as a general physician or an endocrinologist, can make the final diagnosis.

Family and Medical History

Give your doctor an elaborate account of your personal, family and medical history. Make sure you discuss the following points:

  • Your general condition of health_ especially if you have observed any changes in your general health overall.
  • Your family history_ particularly if your first or second degree relative has suffered from a thyroid ailment.
  • Any history of thyroid surgery done or history of radiotherapy to the neck are for the treatment of cancer.
  • Any medication taken previously that can lead to hypothyroidism. (For example, lithium, interleukin-2, amiodarone, chemotherapy in the past).

Diagnosing HypothyroidismPhysical Examination

This examination is performed to look for the signs of a hypoactive thyroid. An in-depth examination is performed to find out the physical evidence of the hypothyroidism, such as:

  • Swelling around your eyes.
  • Swelling around your legs.
  • Slowing of the reflexes.
  • Dryness of the skin.
  • Slowing of the heartbeat.

Blood Tests

A number of blood tests are available for assessing the thyroid function. Their detail is as follows:

TSH test

TSH, also known as thyroid stimulating hormone, is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. TSH regulates the thyroid hormone production. Therefore, levels of TSH in blood are proportional to T4 (thyroxine) levels in the blood. Abnormally increased levels of TSH depicts the presence of hypothyroidism.

Diagnosing HypothyroidismThyroxine or T4 test

Thyroxine is one of the main hormones produced by the thyroid glands. Free T4 index and free T4 are the blood tests which in combination with the TSH test can tell a lot about the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Bear in mind that whenever T4 levels fall in the blood, TSH secretion from the pituitary gland will be increased. On the contrary, a high T4 level in the blood will suppress the TSH secretion through a negative feedback cycle. In simple words, if T4 decreases, then TSH rises and vice versa.

Meeting Iodine and Salt Needs

Meeting Iodine and Salt Needs

Although iodine and salt are related in their intake in the diet, such as in the form of iodized salt, but their functions are not much interrelated except for the hormonal functions. Before the 1920s, enlargement of the thyroid gland, that is the goiter, was a major health issue. Since goiter is mostly cause by iodine deficiency, so use of iodized salt was made popular to prevent this ailment. By taking this step, the number of the cases of goiter has fallen drastically. You might be taking adequate amounts of sodium and iodine from the salt but you should be mindful of the health concerns and recommendations about their intake in your diet.

Meeting Iodine and Salt NeedsConstituents of the Iodized Salt

Sodium is the main constituent of the salt and makes up 40 percent of the substance of the salt. The processed food contains salts in them. Therefore, consuming too much processed food can influence your daily sodium intake drastically. But mostly, the food manufactures do not utilize the iodized salt. That is why, you might be getting a good deal of sodium but an insufficient amount of iodine in you diet.

Daily Requirements of Iodine and Sodium

RDA or recommended daily allowance of the dietary iodine in adult, men and women, is 150 mcg per day. For the lactating and pregnant women RDA of the dietary iodine is 290 mcg and 220 mg, respectively.

Breast-feeding and pregnant women are more prone to the iodine deficiency because of the increased demand for iodine in them. There is no particular recommended daily allowance for the sodium intake but a maximum of 1500 mg of sodium can be consumed daily.

Sources of Iodine

Meeting Iodine and Salt NeedsIf you totally rely on the iodized salt to fulfill your daily requirement of iodine, then you would have to take at least half teaspoon of iodized salt in your diet, each day. But this way you might consume excess amounts of sodium. A better alternative will be to eat food items rich in iodine, for example low fat milk, nuts, tuna, cod, prunes, shrimp, seaweed and whole eggs etc. Almost all kinds of foods contain certain amount of sodium in them – from dairy foods and meats to plain nuts, vegetables and fruits. Therefore, even when you cut down added salt in your diet, it is extremely unlikely that your sodium intake will be insufficient. That is why, you need to be more concerned about your iodine intake since you are more susceptible to iodine deficiency as compared to the sodium deficiency.

Cut off Values for the Minerals

Daily intake of iodine should not exceed 1100 mcg. This is the maximum quantity of iodine that can be tolerated without any serious health risks, such as gastrointestinal disturbances, thyroid disorders and coma. Same principle applies to the sodium intake. Cut off value for the daily sodium intake is 2300 mg in a healthy individual. However, for people above the age of 50 years or those suffering from the hypertensive disorder should limit their sodium intake to 1500 mg per day.

Iodine and Sea Salt

Iodine and Sea Salt

Sea salt is very popular among the foodies due to its peculiar flavor and characteristic texture. It is a natural kind of salt obtained from the salty water of the ocean. Sea salt contain a little more amount of nutrients compared to the ordinary table salt. But, if you want to add a bit more iodine to the diet, iodized salt is a far better option.

Iodine and Sea SaltIodine Content of the Sea Salt

The sea salt contains iodine but its iodine contain is less as compared to the table salt. The reason behind this is that most of the varieties of regular salt are iodinated, that is, extra amount of iodine is added to them. But if you desire a strong flavor and a crispy texture of the sea salt and also require some extra iodine in your diet, you can opt for iodized varieties of the sea salt.

It is very difficult to ascertain the accurate quantity of iodine in iodinated sea salt but generally it is about 71 mcg in every ¼ teaspoon of it.

Table Salt vs. Sea Salt

In spite of the fact that table salt and sea salt have marginally different flavors and textures, their nutritional content is almost similar—even the iodine content—in the case of iodized varieties. Both table salt and sea salt have approximately equal sodium content. Although, table salt has a very fine texture which makes it good for cooking as it easily mixes with the rest of the content of the recipe. On the other hand, sea salt have slight amounts of calcium, potassium and magnesium in it, as it undergoes negligible processing.

Daily Requirement of Iodine

RDA or recommended daily allowance of the dietary iodine in adult, men and women, is 150 mcg per day. For the lactating and pregnant women RDA of the dietary iodine is 290 mcg and 220 mg, respectively. Breast-feeding and pregnant women are more prone to iodine deficiency because of increased demand for iodine in them.

Iodine and Sea SaltIodine Sources

Besides iodized varieties of sea salt and iodized table salt, a number of food items are also good sources of iodine. Examples include seaweed, seafood and dairy products etc.

  • Cod: 3 oz. provides 99 mcg of iodine.
  • Yogurt: One cup provides 75 mcg of iodine.
  • Low fat milk: One cup provides 56 mcg of iodine.
  • Shrimp: 3 oz. provides 35 mcg of iodine.
  • Cheese: 1 oz. provides 12 mcg of iodine.


It should be kept in mind that consuming excessive amounts of any variety of salt, whether the sea salt or the regular table salt, can cause a rise in the blood pressure and also increase the chances of developing heart disease. In the case of sea salt, about 400 to 590 mg of sodium is present in a quarter teaspoon of it.

According to studies, consumption of sodium should not be more than 1500 mg per day. So, if you love sea slat for its singular qualities, you can use it but beware to use it in moderate amounts to keep you heart and health good.