Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease Diet

Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease Diet

When your body produces antibodies that cause a disruption in the way your thyroid gland works it is called Hashimoto’s disorder. Another name for this autoimmune disorder is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In the case of this disease, the thyroid becomes underactive and inflamed which is called hypothyroidism. You can treat hypothyroidism with a therapy comprised of hormone replacement medication to prevent serious complications from arising. Some nutritional supplements may also help if you include them in your daily routine. There are also some foods you need to be aware of that might interfere with the medication you are given to help with your thyroid disease. If you are on medication, you should make every attempt to avoid them.

There are symptoms and signs for Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease DietHashimoto’s disease can have a wide variety of symptoms that may include cold sensitivity, dry skin, fatigue, constipation, hoarseness, puffy face, hair loss, high cholesterol, memory loss, weight gain, irritability, joint aches, muscle aches, flaky nails, weakness, heavy periods, depression, and prolonged periods. If it remains untreated, Hashimoto’s disorder can cause goiter, meaning an enlargement of the thyroid gland, enlarged heart and even possibly heart failure, slowed mental capacity, severe depression,

Hashimoto’s Disease does have medication available

Levothyroxine is the drug that can easily treat the hypothyroidism that will result from Hashimoto’s disorder. This medication will replace thyroxine that is no longer produced by the thyroid gland. This medication also will work if your thyroid is producing thyroxine in an insufficient quantity. You will notice that you will start to feel healthy once you start taking the prescribed medication. Your doctor will recommend you get a blood test once every six to twelve months so you can make sure that your levels of thyroxine remain normal. You will probably need to remain on the medication forever.

There are supplements and food that may aid in the alleviation of your symptoms

Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease DietThe U of M Medical Center suggests eating foods that are whole grain and have high amounts of iron and Vitamin B if you are diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. Try to include fresh vegetables and fruits along with other foods that contain antioxidants in your daily diet. Fish oil may also help to increase your immunity and possibly L-tyrosine supplements will help you create more of your own thyroid hormone. Some herbs may also be helpful such as guggul extract and coleus extract. These may be taken a couple times daily and has been known to help the activity of a low thyroid. Make sure you ask your physician before you try and of the herbal remedies or supplements recommended.

Try to avoid certain supplements and foods

You should try to avoid any supplements that contain iodine because they may actually be responsible for causing hypothyroidism. Also, products containing soy or iron supplements may somehow interfere with the medication you are supposed to be taking for your thyroid condition. Cruciform and leafy greens, like spinach, kale, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, mustard greens and cauliflower may cause your condition to worsen. Also, peanuts, millet, and pine nuts will also cause a worsening of Hashimoto’s disorder. Also make sure you tell your physician if your daily regimen includes calcium supplements, high cholesterol medication, or antacids. These can cause problems with the effectiveness of thyroid medication. If you have blood pressure problems or ulcers, your doctor also should be notified because they also can interfere with the thyroid medication you are taking.

Symptoms of Male Thyroid Problems

Symptoms of Male Thyroid Problems

The front region of the neck has a small structure that is called the thyroid gland. It is located just on top of your collarbone. It is small but the importance of the thyroid, as far as your well-being and health are   concerned, is completely disproportionate with the size. The thyroid is responsible for producing hormones that control how quickly the cells in your body utilize nutrients and carry out various functions. If the thyroid becomes underactive as in the case of hypothyroidism, or become overactive like in hyperthyroidism, numerous bodily functions may be affected. The changes that are caused by problems with the thyroid are similar in males and females. Men experience symptoms different than woman do.

FertilitySymptoms of Male Thyroid Problems

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may cause fertility problems in men. If a man is experiencing a thyroid that is overactive, his sperm may be produced with movement that is slow. This is known as low motility. They may interfere in the ability to become a father, as stated in a study that was published in 2004 in “Best Practice and Research: Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.” If the male begins a treatment with medicine that returns the thyroid hormones to a normal state, the problems with the sperm may be reversed in most cases.

Fertility problems can also be apparent in men with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism may cause an overproduction of prolactin which is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland. If there is an overproduction of prolactin by the pituitary, it may result in a decrease in testosterone production. This is responsible for sperm production.

In winter of 2012 there was a study reported in a publication of the “Journal of Urology” that found when men had hypothyroidism may result in a lower sperm count which could cause a problem with conception. This was compared with a small control group. The fluctuations in sperm count were often reversible once treatment was started.

Sexual Function

Symptoms of Male Thyroid ProblemsThere are substantial effects in the function of sexual arousal in men who have experienced changes in the function of their thyroid. In the case of either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, there were problems in sexual function as reported in a study from December 2005 in a publication from the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.” There were studies performed on a group including 34 men who had hyperthyroidism. In 50% of the cases, the men experienced early ejaculation. 15% of the same group also experienced erectile dysfunction which affected the ability to hold an erection.

Another study involved 14 men who had hypothyroidism and close to 65% also experienced erectile dysfunction, poor drive, late ejaculation and a libido that was considered low.

Even though it is not known exactly what mechanisms involved in high or low hormone levels of the thyroid causes sexual dysfunction, symptoms in numerous men improved with both groups as soon as the thyroid problems have been addressed.

Other symptoms

Men who have thyroid problems also may share many of the same symptoms that women experience. If the hormones in the thyroid are too high, men may exhibit excessive sweating or warmth under normal temperatures.  There may also be a loss of weight even if diet doesn’t change. Other symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, trembling of hands, and jitteriness. Heart rates also may be faster and may be described as fluttering or pounding of the chest.

In hypothyroidism, men may feel cold even when it is warm in the room. They may also exhibit fatigue, weakness, constipation, weight gain, sluggishness and depression.

Thyroid cancer may develop in women or men and there may be no symptoms in the beginning. In the later stages, there may be difficulty in swallowing or hoarseness.

Thyroid Disease Diet

Thyroid Disease Diet

Your thyroid’s health may depend on the food you eat. The thyroid is a gland in the neck that creates hormones that help supply energy and metabolism. There are some diseases that affect the thyroid. They include hyperthyroidism that speeds your metabolism; hypothyroidism, responsible for weight gain and low levels of energy; and cancer of the thyroid. A good diet along with medical treatment, like surgery or thyroid medication, helps lessen symptoms as well as increasing your health overall.

Vegetables that are Thyroid-Friendly

Many vegetable are high in antioxidants. They support the body’s capability to defend it from disease and infection. Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and broccoli are examples of cruciferous vegetables which actually may conflict with the function of your thyroid. If you are a victim of thyroid dysfunction, eat other vegetables such as tomatoes, seaweed, bell peppers and squash. These will also help keep your weight in check which is always healthy.

Thyroid Disease DietFruits that are colorful

There are many antioxidants and fiber in colorful fruits. Antioxidants help the body work correctly and also protect it from damage. If you eat more fruit, you may reduce your chances of getting cancer. It will also aid your body in fighting cancer. They also contain a great deal of minerals and vitamins. They are also a great alternative to processed candy and desserts. You can choose from cherries, berries, kiwi, citrus fruits, papaya, cantaloupe, plums, mango, red grapes, and plums. Eat them whole instead of the juice.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are good for you because they have a great effect on your levels of blood sugar. It also helps your heart and your digestive tract. If you get rid of gluten in your diet, you may help get rid of symptoms of Hashimoto disease which is a type of hypothyroidism. There might also be a connection between thyroid disease and celiac disease. It is a good idea to put gluten-free products such as wild rice, gluten-free oats and brown rice into your routine.

Cold-Water Fish

Thyroid Disease DietSalmon, herring, albacore tuna, lake trout, halibut, sardines, and flounder have omega-3 in them. Omega-3 is an essential fat that is linked to heart health and good brain function. The University Of Maryland suggests if you have thyroid disease, you should eat items containing omega-3 to reduce inflammation in addition to raising your immunity. Cold-water fish will provide other nutrients besides protein sources that are high in fat, like processed or red meats.

Iron & Iodine Rich Foods

Hypothyroidism causes anemia in many people. It is recommended to eat foods that are rich in iron such as lean meat, enriched grains, and lean meat. They also provide good amounts of zinc and selenium, which helps your thyroid to work better. If your thyroid isn’t working properly, there may be an iodine deficiency.

You can eat eggs, spinach and shrimp to help get extra amounts of iodine. Iodized salt will also help increase your iodine intake.

Calcium rich Foods

People with thyroid problems often have a greater chance of osteoporosis. Make sure you get some low-fat milk to increase your intake of calcium, which will help prevent osteoporosis. Yogurt and low-fat cheese are great alternatives for calcium as well.

What Causes Thyroid Disease?

What Causes Thyroid Disease?

There is a thyroid gland found in our neck region that releases and produces two hormones. Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are the two hormones that are responsible for regulating the metabolism of the body. When the thyroid isn’t functions properly, you get thyroid disease. About 20 million people in the United States suffer from thyroid disease in some form. The cause of this disease that affects so many people is imperative to find out.


A general term that is used to define the conditions highlighted by irritation in the gland is called thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism results when inflammations caused by these conditions slowly destroys cells in the thyroid. This results in levels of hormones in the thyroid gland become extremely low. If cells of the thyroid get rapidly destroyed all of the stored hormones of the thyroid will escape all at once. This condition is called thyrotoxicosis. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are almost the same as thyrotoxicosis. They include insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, weight loss, and increased rate of the heart.

What Causes Thyroid Disease?The usual reason for hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as reported by the Thyroid Association of America. This happens when there are cells that make up the gland in the thyroid that get attacked by the cells that make up the immune system of the body. The thyroid cells are destroyed which creates a deficiency of thyroid hormones. The glands of the pituitary then produce TSH which is a hormone that stimulates the thyroid and make additional hormones of the thyroid. This causes goiter which is extreme inflammation in the thyroid.

Another form of inflammation is called post-partum thyroiditis. The thyroid becomes inflamed, which causes thyrotoxicosis and then causes periods of the hypothyroidism condition. This is a temporary condition that may occur in completely normal pregnant woman in the first year after they give birth. Almost 80% of mothers become normal again after about a year or so as stated by the American Thyroid Association.

Deficiency of Iodine

Iodine can only be absorbed by the glands of the thyroid cells. It is also necessary to have iodine in order to make thyroid hormones. Merck Manual states that an iodine deficiency can also result in a disease of the thyroid. This condition is quite rare. The gland of the thyroid will get bigger to try and find more iodine if there isn’t enough present. A goiter will result that doesn’t have the ability to make enough of the thyroid hormone which causes hypothyroidism.

Cancer of the thyroidWhat Causes Thyroid Disease?

Cancer of the thyroid results when cells grow abnormally which will cause a tumor located at the thyroid. Thyroid cancer comes in four forms. All of them will cause disease of the thyroid. One type of cancer covers 80% of the cases. This is called papillary cancer of the thyroid.

The National Cancer Institute reports the next most numerous type is called follicular cancer of the thyroid. Then the next in occurrence is medullary cancer of the thyroid and lastly, anaplastic cancer of the thyroid.

Tumors in the gland of the pituitary

The gland of the pituitary can be found at the bottom of the brain. It is responsible for making TSH which controls making the hormones inside the gland of the thyroid. You may be able to find a tumor that is noncancerous, an adenoma, in the gland of the pituitary. This may affect the making of TSH. This tumor can also cause too much TSH to be produced which would cause hyperthyroidism or it can cause too little TSH to be produced with would cause hypothyroidism.

What Is A Thyroid Storm?

What Is A Thyroid Storm?

There is a very uncommon condition call a thyroid storm that happens when a huge excess of hormones present in the thyroid stress the body until the point of collapse. An event has to happen that triggers this very large release of the hormones in the patient that already is dealing with a thyroid gland that is already overactive. When hormones in the thyroid increase rapidly, the metabolic functions accelerate rapidly also. A dangerous deadly emergency will result from a thyroid storm.

Sweating and Fever

man-wrapped-in-brown-scarf-looking-at-thermometerWhen the thyroid storm occurs, there is a large intensification in the heat the body produces. Fever is the trademark symptom of this disease. There was an article published in 2006 in a journal that emphasizes that how high the fever will indicate how severe they thyroid storm may be. Drs. Kenneth Burman and Bindu Nayak stated fever will give them important information as to how far the thyroid storm has progressed. Patients with this disease will profusely sweat in an attempt for the body to cool down.


As the thyroid storm progresses, the thyroid hormones continue to circulate through the body at extremely high levels. This will cause the body to have tremors that are completely uncontrollable. This rhythmic shaking is completely unintentional. The head and hands typically will shake uncontrollably. Even though tremors will occur all over the body, they are not noticed as much. The patient going through the thyroid storm will say they are feeling like their body is trembling all over.

Restlessness and Agitation

Restlessness and agitation is an extremely apparent symptom of a thyroid storm. Rapid, intense, broad emotional swings will usually accompany the terrible agitation that the patient enduring this illness is suffering.

Paranoia, Confusion, and Psychosis

What Is A Thyroid Storm?A thyroid storm definitely reduces higher functions of the brain including reason, perception, judgement and comprehension. As the disease progresses, symptoms of a dysfunction of the central nervous system will occur. This will result in more confusion and agitation, along with psychosis and paranoia. This was stated by Drs. Leonard Wartofsky and Joanna Klubo-Gwiezdzinska in their article called “Thyroid Emergencies”. This was published by the Dept. of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. If the thyroid storm is severe, the amount of disturbance of the mental faculties of the patient will be severe. Therefore, if there is a presence of psychosis or paranoia, there more than likely will be a severe emergency medical situation.

Coma and seizures routinely develop if urgent treatment is not given to lower the thyroid levels that are circulating throughout the body.

Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Nausea

The activity of the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract increase due to the activity of the thyroid hormones present. Burman and Nayak stated this in the review article. Profuse diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting are classic symptoms of a thyroid storm. Shock may develop as the patient loses fluid through the symptoms described of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. This frequently is a progressive symptom of a thyroid storm.

Palpitations of the Heart

Hormones raging during the thyroid storm causes the heart to pump faster and harder than it normally should. Patients will be aware of their heart pumping out of their chest. The heart is not able to keep this high level of pumping without creating an issue. It will begin to fail if it continues for any length of time. This is a usual cause of death in a thyroid storm.

What Not To Eat If You Have Low Thyroid

What Not To Eat If You Have Low Thyroid

There are hormones produced by the thyroid that help your body regulate mood, metabolism and energy levels. Sometimes the thyroid doesn’t produce enough of the hormones. This is a disease called hypothyroidism. Your doctor will prescribe a synthetic form of thyroid medication if your condition requires. Your symptoms can be minimized by limiting certain foods and eating a good, healthy diet. Those symptoms may be depression, lethargy, weight gain, depression, menstrual irregularities, constipation, and cold sensitivity. Check with your doctor for further guidance.

Flour that is enriched

Whole grains that are processed are called enriched flour. When this happens, the grain loses valuable mineral, fiber, protein content, and vitamins. This results in an index of high glycemic value which results in a fluctuation of your levels of sugar in your blood. It is recommended you eat whole grains so your symptoms will lesson. The best thing to do would be to replace all enriched white breads, pasta, snack foods, and cereal you eat with whole grains or other complex carbohydrates.

Addition of Sugars

What Not To Eat If You Have Low ThyroidAdded sugars like brown sugar, rice syrup, fructose, cane sugar, corn syrup, maltose and fructose, increase sweetness and calories but doesn’t benefit nutrition at all. Additional sugars also cause fluctuations in your energy level, mood and blood sugar. It also makes it harder to manage your weight and appetite. If you fill up on sugary foods, you don’t have room for naturally sweet items that are good for patients with hypothyroidism, like cherries and blueberries. In order to lower your intake of sugar, replace honey and sugar in coffee or tea with stevia. This is a sweet-tasting, calorie-free herb with antioxidant benefits. Also items like candy, pancake syrup, milk chocolate, jelly, frostings, frozen desserts, pastries, fruit punch and regular soft drinks should be avoided because of the sugars in them.

Particular vegetables

Some vegetables also might interfere with functions of the medication you take and the thyroid function. Even though they are excellent sources of fiber and antioxidants, you should avoidkale, spinach, cabbage, mustard greens, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, turnips, and broccoli according to the Medical Center at the University of Maryland if you have hypothyroidism. You should also stay away from skinless potatoes and mashed potatoes. Inflammation may be increased by fried vegetables and also add to weight gain. Try to eat the fresh varieties instead.


What Not To Eat If You Have Low ThyroidWheat, rye and barley have a storage protein called gluten. There is a correlation between thyroid disease and gluten intolerance. An article published in the November, 2010 issue of “Today’s Dietician”, states that it may be difficult to notice a gluten intolerance if you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Many of the symptoms are the same including abdominal pain, digestive problems and bloating.

If you think food like white and wheat breads, most cereals, commercially made baked goods, and crackers usually worsen symptoms of thyroid issues, attempt to use gluten-free items like brown rice, popcorn and wild rice, instead.


Peanuts, soybeans, certain grains, and pine nuts are proteins that affect thyroid function. If you have been advised to take thyroid hormones, make sure you speak with your physician before using product made from soy, according to the Medical Center for the University of Maryland. These soy products may hinder your medicine from being absorbed.

Top Goiter Treatments

Top Goiter Treatments

A goiter can be toxic or non-toxic. A goiter that is non-toxic is simply an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which is not linked to malignancy or excessive production of the thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland can enlarge excessively and can be seen as a huge swelling in front of the neck. Normally, this gland is butterfly in shape, but with the enlargement, its shape can distort. There are a number of causes for goiter. In the past, the lack of iodine used to be the major culprit for this disorder but now it has become a rare occurrence because of the incorporation of iodized salt in our diet. Nowadays, rise in TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level contribute to the formation of goiter mostly. This rise in TSH levels occursTop Goiter Treatments insidiously and can be precipitated by defective synthesis of thyroid hormones. TSH is synthesized by the pituitary gland and it can enlarge our thyroid gland.

Thyroid Drugs

Thyroid drugs can be used for the treatment of moderate or small sized goiter. These thyroid drugs mimic like thyroid hormones, thus sending signals to the pituitary to produce less TSH. This, in turn, leads to the stabilization of the size of the thyroid gland. This method will probably not shrink goiter but it will prevent it from enlarging any further.

Thyroid Surgery

Following are some indications for thyroid surgery:

  • If a person does not respond to the thyroid drugs, then the best, next step is to opt for the surgery.
  • Another major indication for the surgery is pressure symptoms, for example the compression of esophagus and trachea, caused by a grossly enlarged goiter. Such patients complain of symptoms, such as cough, change in the quality of voice, choking episodes while sleeping; because on lying down the heavy goiter occludes the trachea thus producing the difficulty in breathing.
  • The thyroid gland has two lobes. Either both or a single lobe can be enlarged due to goiter. If only one lobe is enlarged, this can lead to the displacement of trachea, which normally runs straight from our mouth to our lungs.
  • In some case, the enlarged goiter can even squeeze our blood vessels which are running through the neck. This is an important indication for the surgical removal.
  • Top Goiter TreatmentsMalignancy is always an indication for the removal of thyroid gland. So, if there is any suspicion of malignancy, go for the surgery.
  • In a multi-nodular goiter, the chances of malignancy are slightly less than five percent. Presence of a dominant nodule in a multi-nodular goiter, raises the suspicion of malignant goiter. Same principle applies for a scan showing a cold nodule in the thyroid gland.
  • Lastly, a goiter can be removed for the cosmetic reasons. Sometimes it can enlarge enough to be noticed as a swelling, mostly in the front and sides, of the neck. This mass, or swelling, can be seen with the naked eye, even before the pressure symptoms occur. This can be a source of unease for some people. They can try, either thyroid medications or the surgical removal of thyroid, for getting rid of their goiter.

Natural Alternatives to Thyroid Hormones

Natural Alternatives to Thyroid Hormones

Natural Alternatives to Thyroid HormonesYour thyroid is important for your metabolism as it regulates all the components of it and when it gets out of whack it can throw off everything in your body. The gland is near your throat so when it becomes swollen it can affect your eating and breathing. This part of your body sends hormones that spread all over the body and contain iodine and help regulate the balance of calcium in your body and regulate metabolism.  There are a couple of things that can go wrong with your thyroid which results in the overproduction or underproduction of hormones. You will need to find medicine that helps your thyroid perform the way it’s supposed to. If you are a person who doesn’t want to try traditional medicine then there are some natural alternatives you can try just make sure you check with your physician before you start any new regimen.

Some people are into living a natural lifestyle so it’s understandable that they don’t want to put the kind of medicine their doctor might recommend into their bodies. There are a lot of supplements made to help with certain ailments and as long as you are monitoring the way you feel and following your physicians suggestions you can help relieve some symptoms with natural means. Do your research about how any supplements might interfere with any other ailments you might have and be aware of potential complications.

There is a natural supplement you can take that is created from animal thyroids and can help you get the hormones you are missing when your own thyroid isn’t working properly.  The mineral Selenium is something that specifically coverts the hormones that are put out by the gland and this is important to the way the thyroid operates. If there is not enough of this mineral present then you might have goiters and other symptoms of a thyroid disorder. You have to be careful with this particular supplement because too much can poison the body. Vitamin B3 which is also known as Niacin is something that can take down the hormone levels in your thyroid.

Iodine is something your thyroid needs to function properly. You don’t want to overdo it with the iodine a small amount will do. Taking a supplement can help tame the symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.  In addition to trying natural supplements to help with thyroid problems you can also treat it naturally by changing up your diet. You will want to make sure you are eating healthy foods that are Natural Alternatives to Thyroid Hormonesgood for people with a thyroid condition. Making a lifestyle change and incorporating the type of supplements you need isn’t easy, but it’s the best way to make sure you aren’t controlled by your disease.

It can be difficult to live with a temperamental thyroid and the more you can do to get healthier the better you will be. Taking control of your health is important and can help you have a greater quality of life.

Eat Healthy to Help an Enlarged Thyroid Gland

Eat Healthy to Help an Enlarged Thyroid Gland

There are issues that come along with having this condition which is also known as a goiter. Not only is it unattractive but it can put uncomfortable pressure on the throat, make it hard for you to talk or swallow, and cause a lot of coughing. When your throat feels swollen it can be bad enough, but you also have to deal with being extremely lethargic and make you feel horrible.

Eat Healthy to Help an Enlarged Thyroid GlandThe types of ailments that can cause this type of problem include an underactive thyroid, and hyperthyroidism. Obviously when you are switching up your diet to help with a medical problem you should check in with your physician, but there are some things you can eat to help you manage the situation.

There are foods that are good for you, but they aren’t good when you have problems with your thyroid. Learning the difference between foods that are healthy and foods that are healthy for people with a thyroid issue is imperative to make sure you are eating the right things for your particular situation.

Lentils, cooked veggies, whole grains, red meat and fish can help manage an enlarged thyroid gland. Eating this and other food will help take away the symptoms and ease discomfort. There are a lot of antioxidants that can help take care of inflammation in vegetables. Take care to stay away from mustard greens, kale, and broccoli because these might make the situation worse. Sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and bell peppers are some vegetables you should definitely include in your diet.

You should include whole grains in your diet in order to get in the B vitamins your body needs to fight the condition. You can enjoy quinoa instead of white rice and make other substitutions as it applies. You should make sure to get as much red meat and fish as you can to bring up your vitamin D and get the omega 3s you need to fight against inflammation. These will also give you the iodine and zinc you need which also help with the condition. Getting enough iron and fiber can help tame down the symptoms of problems with your thyroids and you can get them from legumes and lentils.

Eat Healthy to Help an Enlarged Thyroid GlandThese are also good substitutes for when you can’t get the red meat you need or you want a replacement for the fatty foods you have been eating. You might find that some of these foods don’t agree with you so you have to figure out the best diet that helps you feel better while making sure you are getting all the nutrients you need.

Eating to help rid yourself of a goiter and the symptoms that come along with an enlarged gland are not fail safe treatments and you should always check in with your doctor if you are planning to start a diet for any reason. These are some things you can do to help relieve discomfort and inflammation and keep yourself healthy in the meantime.

Everything You Should Know About Hyperthyroidism

Everything You Should Know About Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a state in which our thyroid gland becomes hyperactive and secretes increased amounts of the thyroid hormones. Basically, the thyroid is a gland which is butterfly in shape and is located a little below our Adam’s apple, in front of our neck. The hormones released by this gland regulate our breathing, body temperature, heart rate, and metabolism, weight, nervous system and various other functions of our body. When our thyroid gland is hyperactive, the increased hormone production speeds up our bodily functions, thus causing the following symptoms:

  • Tremors of handEverything You Should Know About Hyperthyroidism
  • Excessive sweating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Sleep problems
  • Loss of weight
  • Diarrhea
  • Mood swings
  • Irregular heart beat or palpitations
  • Dryness of the skin
  • Muscle weakness or fatigue
  • Trouble with sleep
  • Menstrual irregularities, such as no periods or light flow during periods.
  • Sometimes, a swelling might be present in front of the neck showing an underlying goiter.

Reasons Of Hyperthyroidism

Triiodothyronine and thyroxine, are also known as T3 and T4, respectively. These are thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Autoimmune disorder i.e. the Graves’ disease is the most usual cause of a hyperactive thyroid. In this condition, the body produces an antibody called TSI (thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin). TSI stimulates the thyroid to produces more thyroid hormones. It occurs mostly in middle- aged females and runs in kith and kin.
Either a toxic multi-nodular or nodular goiter can present as hyperthyroidism. Nodular goiters feel lumpy on palpitation during thyroid examination. Hyperthyroidism can also result from the thyroiditis. In addition to that, it can also occur in people who are taking medicines containing iodine (for example amiodarone) or those who consume lots of iodine (either in the form of supplement or iodine-rich foods). Lastly, some females can suffer from hyperthyroidism either during the pregnancy or during the first year following the birth of the baby.

Establishing The Diagnosis

Everything You Should Know About HyperthyroidismHyperthyroidism can be diagnosed on the basis of history of symptoms, physical examination of the thyroid gland and blood test for checking the levels of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and the thyroid hormones i.e. T4 and T3. In special cases, your physician might order a radioactive iodine uptake test or an ultrasound of the thyroid to examine it more closely for inflammation, nodules and hyperactivity.

Treatment Options For Hyperthyroidism

A hyperactive thyroid can be controlled with anti-thyroid drugs. These drugs can block the output of hormones from the thyroid gland. Examples of such drugs are propylthiouracil, methimazole etc. Nowadays, only pregnant women use propylthiouracil, during their first trimester. Another available option is therapy with the radioactive iodine. The radioactive iodine is taken up by the thyroid cells and thus it destroys them. In some instances, women were found to have side effects to the radioactive iodine or lack of response to such therapies. Such women must be offered thyroid surgery. In thyroid surgery, a part or whole of the thyroid gland is removed. The selection of treatment depends upon factors like age, symptoms, severity of the disease, underlying cause, presence of pregnancy, other co-morbidities and possible side effects of the medicines.