Michael’s Thyroid Factors Review

Here is a review of Michael’s Thyroid Factors. According to the company, this product has all the essential nutrients to aid and promote the health of your thyroid hormones. When taking this product you should have a healthier metabolism, high energy levels, and an overall improvement in your mood and health. If you are interested in learning more about this product, keep reading this review to see if this is ideal for you.


Michael’s Thyroid Factor contains the following ingredients:

  • 75 mg Vitamin B-6
  • 225 mcg Iodine
  • 11 mg Manganese
  • 300 mcg Chromium
  • 675 mg Proprietary Blend of the following ingredients: Gentian Root, Irish Moss, Bladderwrack, and Tyrosine
  • Cellulose
  • Rice Flour
  • Vegetable Magnesium Stearate


The recommended dose is to take 3 capsules with your breakfast or you can also choose to take 1 capsule with your meal three times a day. Your dosage may increase if directed by your doctor.

Possible Side Effects

While there are no listed side effects for this supplement, we always recommend you exercise caution when taking a new supplement. This product may contain shellfish which should be considered if you are allergic. You should also speak with your physician if you are the following: pregnant or nursing, taking medication, or have a known medical condition. If you have an adverse reaction while taking this supplement, immediately discontinue your use.


You have three choices to choose from when you purchase this product. For 60 capsules, the price is $18.99, 90 capsules is $23.99, and 120 capsules is $30.99. You would save $7.98 if you were to purchase the 120 capsule package. With the 120 capsules, you would also qualify for free shipping.


The company does offer a manufacturer’s guarantee. They do ask you take the recommended dosage for at least 2 to 4 weeks before making your final decision. The company also strongly suggests you take this product with a healthy lifestyle. If you are not satisfied with the product, you can send the product back and you will get your full refund, minus shipping.

We could not find any reviews for this product. Therefore, we could not determine if this product lives up to its claims.


Michael’s Thyroid Factors is a supplement which is Kosher and is made in a GMP facility. The product also comes with a strong guarantee which allows you to adequately try out the product for a period of time before determining if it works for you. There are a few things we were concerned about, which can cause it to be not the most suitable for you. If you are allergic to foods such as shellfish, milk, dairy, soy, nut, or wheat, you should be wary of using this product. Since this is made in a facility that processes these particular item, you may be at risk for an allergic reaction. In addition to the concern about allergies, there are no reviews listed for this product. Again, this is a suitable product for you and your thyroid health; but, we feel there be more ideal ones currently out on the market.

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Swanson Condition Specific Formulas Thyroid Essentials Review

This will be a review of Swanson Condition Specific Formulas Thyroid Essentials. This product, according to the manufacturer, is meant to help the body maintain an overall thyroid health and also help the body maintain certain aspects such as internal temperature and maintain a healthy metabolism. If you are interested in learning more about this product, please keep reading this review to learn more.


  • 25 mg Thiamin USP
  • 25 mg Riboflavin USP
  • 25 mg Niacinamide USP
  • 25 mcg Folic Acid USP
  • 25 mcg Vitamin B-12 USP
  • 25 mg Pantotehnic Acid USP
  • 100 mcg Iodine
  • 25 mg Magnesium
  • 25 mg Zinc
  • 50 mcg Selenium
  • 2 mg Copper
  • 150 mg L-Tyrosine
  • 50 mg Coleus forskohlii
  • Rice flour
  • Gelatin
  • Magnesium Stearate


The recommended dosage for this product is one capsule twice daily, preferably with food and water unless it is otherwise directed by your doctor.

Possible Side Effects

While the company does not directly state any side effects, it does state who should not use the product. If you are are pregnant or nursing, have low blood pressure, gastric ulcers, a medical condition pertaining to blood coagulation, taking prescription medication that pertain to blood pressure, blood thinning, or anti-asthma. You should also stop taking this product two weeks before surgery. If none of these apply to you but you still are unsure, do not hesitate to speak with your doctor and address your concerns.


The retail price for this product is $13.99; however, this product is currently marked down to $6.99 on the website. You can also save 10 percent if you select to do the Easy Refill option, which would be the auto renewal or subscription option.


Thyroid Essentials comes with a 12 month money back guarantee. This means for whatever reason you are not satisfied with the product you can return the product within the 12 month period to get your full refund. The company fully details the process as to what you will need to do in order to complete your return. For any items which are valued over $500 or over, you will be subjected to a 20 percent restocking fee.

The reviews for this website are generally positive. For some people, they did notice an improvement in their metabolism and also in their overall health. There were also other reviews who felt this product did nothing for them and found they still lacked the energy they desired even after taking the recommended dose.


Thyroid Essentials seems to be a solid product which is relatively priced and comes with a 12 month guarantee and also an auto renewal option. Along with this, it seems the overall customer consensus for this product is positive. While the product does seem to be a strong contender, those looking for a homeopathic or natural remedy for their thyroid health may find this to be too harsh, especially with all the restrictions it has on the warning label. Those who want a natural alternative to help boost or maintain their thyroid health will need to look elsewhere for a thyroid product which can improve their overall health.

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Apricot Power Thyroid Health Review

This is a product review for Apricot Power Thyroid Health. This product purports to support thyroid health and maintain your overall wellbeing. It ensures that the body has healthy thyroid hormone levels and helps users to maintain the appropriate body weight. Read on to learn more about this product and its suitability before making a purchase decision.


Thyroid Health contains:

  • L-Tyrosine- This amino acid is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis.
  • Iodine- This ingredient plays a significant role in the production of the thyroid hormones T4 and T3. It also ensures that these hormones function properly.
  • Zinc- This mineral ensures a healthy immune system. It also has antioxidant properties and plays a vital role in the conversion of T4 to T3.
  • Copper- This ingredient stimulates the thyroid and protects your body against excessive thyroxine.
  • Selenium- This ingredient has antioxidant qualities. It prevents inflammation, protects thyroid tissues, and helps to maintain a healthy immune system.
  • Guggul extract- This Ayurvedic herb plays a significant role in maintaining healthy metabolic processes.
  • Ashwagandha Root– This ingredient supports thyroid functions.
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B 12
  • Irish Moss
  • Standardized Extract
  • Concentrace Trace Minerals
  • Kelp
  • Cellulose (capsule)
  • Vegetable Magnesium Stearate
  • Cellulose
  • Silica

Thyroid health does not contain salt, egg, sugar, wheat, starch, yeast, gluten, soy, corn, preservatives, or milk. It is 100 percent vegetarian.


The suggested dosage for this dietary supplement is two vegetarian capsules two times per day. Take when the stomach is empty or before taking a meal. People who are taking thyroid medications, antidepressants, and MAO inhibitors should consult a physician before using this product.


The price of one bottle containing 90 vegetarian capsules is $19.99. This product is also available at discounted prices. The price of two bottles is $18.99 per bottle while the price of three bottles is $17.99 per bottle. Therefore, the more you order, the more you save. These prices are a bit low compared to the price of other products with similar characteristics. A low price is likely to cause quality-related issues.


The manufacturer offers 100 percent money-back guarantee. Buyers who are not satisfied with the results of this product can return it within thirty days since the purchase date to have their money refunded. The refunded amount does not include shipping charges. The returned products should not be opened and should be in the original packaging. With this guarantee, the manufacturer is able to attract many customers including those who are worried about the product’s effectiveness. We found a substantial amount of positive customer reviews. These reviews demonstrate that most customers are satisfied with the product.


In summary, before you consider buying this dietary supplement to support your thyroid health and overall wellbeing, it is vital to compare its major merits and demerits. The major advantages associated with this dietary supplement include 100 percent refund policy and several positive testimonials from users. The negative aspects of this product include a questionable low price and the lack of information about the possible side effects.

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Cabot Health Thyroid Health Review

This is a product review for Cabot Health Thyroid Health. This product contains four ingredients that support the functions of the thyroid gland. It also purports to ensure healthy thyroid tissues. Read on to learn more about this dietary supplement.


This product contains:

  • 533 mg of Kelp (Fucus Vesiculosus)- This ingredient provides 160 mcg of iodine, which plays a significant role in supporting the production of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Iodine also helps to maintain healthy metabolic processes.
  • 100 mcg of Selenium (Selenomethionine)- Selenium has a number of functions such as supporting thyroid gland functions, stimulating the conversion of T4 to T3, supporting thyroid hormone production, maintaining a healthy immune system, hindering inflammation, and protecting thyroid tissues from damage.
  • 1000 IU of Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)- Low amounts of this vitamin contribute to thyroid disorders. This vitamin improves both thyroid and immune system functions.
  • 5 mg of Zinc (sulfate)- This mineral has a number of benefits to your body. It has antioxidant properties for protecting body tissues from damage. Zinc also ensures a healthy immune system and supports thyroid functions by stimulating the thyroid gland. Zinc is also essential in the conversion of T4 to T3.


Children above 12 years of age and adults should take one capsule daily with a meal. This product can also be taken as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not exceed 150 mcg in a day to avoid unwanted effects.

Possible Side Effects

This dietary supplement contains selenium, a toxic substance when consumed in large quantities. Therefore, there are chances of experiencing unwanted effects in case of excessive consumption of this product.


The price of one bottle containing 120 capsules is $54 on the manufacturer’s official site. This is a relatively high amount compared to the price of related dietary supplements. Nevertheless, this is a fair price considering that one bottle contains many capsules compared to most products in the market.


The manufacturer of this dietary supplement is committed to providing customers with high-quality products subject to quality checks and controls. The manufacturer offers 100 percent satisfaction guarantee to show that all products are of high quality. This guarantee allows customers who are not 100 percent satisfied with this product or any other product to return it within 30 days from the purchase date for a full refund of the purchase price. This refund is also applicable to defective or damaged products. We did not find any testimonials from persons who have tried this dietary supplement. The absence of product reviews is likely to prompt quality-related issues among potential buyers.


In conclusion, this dietary supplement has a unique formula with only four ingredients that claim to address thyroid-related problems. It has both positive and negative features that customers need to know. The product’s positive features include a money-back guarantee and adequate concentrations of the key ingredients. However, there are chances of experiencing unwanted reactions in case of accidental dosage. Furthermore, there are no customer reviews to prove that this product meets the expectations of users. Moreover, this product is somewhat pricey.

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Dr. Christopher’s Thyroid Maintenance Formula Review

Welcome to our comprehensive product review for Dr. Christopher’s Thyroid Maintenance Formula. This dietary supplement contains herbal ingredients that aid the thyroid gland and glandular systems. It also supports the body’s metabolic processes. Read on to acquire more information about this dietary supplement.


This dietary supplement contains:

  • Organic Kelp Plant- This ingredient is known for its sufficient amounts of iodine. Iodine plays a significant role in stimulating a sluggish thyroid gland. It takes part in the production of thyroid hormones. It also encourages healthy metabolic processes.
  • Wildcrafted Watercress Plant- Watercress is also rich in iodine. Therefore, it is essential for a malfunctioning thyroid.
  • Wildcrafted Nettle Leaf- This ingredient is a thyroid tonic. Nettle leaves contain numerous micro and macro elements including iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium. These elements are known for their ability to support thyroid function, metabolism, and the immune system.
  • Organic Mullein Leaf- This ingredient is essential for treating underactive thyroid. It also diminishes glandular inflammation.
  • Organic Parsley Leaf- It improves thyroid health.
  • Organic Irish Moss- This seaweed performs several roles such as soothing swollen glands and moistening dry skin.
  • Organic Sheep Sorrel Herb
  • Plant-derived capsule

This product has no added chemicals or fillers.


The suggested dosage for this dietary supplement is two capsules three times per day. You can also take it according to the directions of a health care practitioner.


The price of one bottle with 100 vegetarian capsules is $19.99 on the manufacturer’s site. However, you can purchase this product from other online platforms at a lower price. We are concerned that this price is relatively low compared to the price of other related products. A low price may raise quality-related issues. Nevertheless, this price is affordable.


We were unable to find a satisfaction guarantee for this dietary supplement. According to the manufacturer’s return policy, customers can only return sealed and unopened products. Moreover, customers should make claims within 7 days. Returns are not accepted after 21 days. It general, customers who have opened the product and are dissatisfied with the results are unlikely to get a refund of the purchase amount. We identified many reviews from customers who have tried this product. Based on the large numbers of positive reviews, there is no doubt that most customers are happy with the results. Many positive testimonials encourage those who have not bought the product to try it.


In conclusion, it is advisable to compare the merits and drawbacks of this dietary supplement in order to make the right purchase decision. We have identified several positive features that might attract customers. For instance, this product is safe because it contains a powerful blend of natural ingredients with no chemicals or fillers. Furthermore, this product has large numbers of positive customer reviews indicating that most users are satisfied. This product also has some negative features. For example, there is no compensation for opened products. Moreover, it is not clear whether this product is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility. In addition, the product’s low price is questionable.

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Dr. David Wiliams Healthy Thyroid Review

The purpose of this product review is to outline the key facts about Dr. David Williams Healthy Thyroid. This product purports to support thyroid health and metabolic processes. It contains a strong formula of naturally occurring ingredients for supporting thyroid healthy and metabolism. Read further to know more about this dietary supplement.


This product contains:

  • 650 mcg of Iodine (Obtained from Kelp)- Iodine is one of the important ingredients that support thyroid functions. It plays a significant role in the production of the thyroid hormones T4 and T3. These hormones are essential for regulating the body’s metabolic processes. They also take part in promoting breast health and neurological development. Iodine also supports mental function.
  • 1000 mg of Ascophyllum nodosum (Seagreens)- This is a brown seaweed. It is rich in trace elements, vitamins, polysaccharides, amino acids, and absorbable iodine.
  • Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose


The suggested dosage is two capsules per day. Take the capsules during meals. One bottle containing 60 capsules provides a 30-day supply. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should consult a physician before using this dietary supplement.

Possible Side Effects

This product contains all-natural ingredients meaning that it is safe for consumption. The chances of experiencing unwanted side effects are low.


The price of this product depends on the number of bottles purchased and whether you have signed up for AutoDelivery. 5 bottles plus 2 free bottles with AutoDelivery will cost you $67.46. The same package costs $74.95 without AutoDelivery. 3 bottles plus one free bottle with AutoDelivery will cost you $40.47. The same package costs $44.97 without AutoDelivery. One bottle with AutoDelivery costs $13.49 while the same package costs $14.99 without AutoDelivery. Therefore, buyers can take advantage of price discounts to buy this product in large quantities or continuously when they sign up for AutoDelivery.


The manufacturer of this product claims to offer high-quality products to ensure that all customers are 100 percent satisfied. The manufacturer supports this claim with 100 percent money-back guarantee. Users who are not happy with the results of this dietary supplement have up to ninety days to return it for a full compensation of the purchase amount. In this regard, you should not worry about losing your money when you purchase this product. Our research also focused on the views of individuals who have used this product. Although we found a few customer reviews, all of them are positive meaning that customers are satisfied with this product.


We recommend that you consider both positive and negative aspects of this product before making a purchase decision. We found some positive features that are likely to attract potential buyers to purchase this product. For instance, the satisfaction guarantee offered by the manufacturer proves that this product is of superior quality. In addition, you can take advantage of the price discounts offered by the manufacturer to purchase many bottles at once. However, there are a few customer reviews. More customer reviews are necessary to prove that most customers are satisfied.  Furthermore, this product contains a few ingredients as opposed to other products in the market.

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Enzymatic Therapy Metabolic Advantage Thyroid Formula Review

This is a product review for Enzymatic Therapy Metabolic Advantage Thyroid Formula. This dietary supplement claims to perform a number of functions such as increasing metabolism and enhancing energy. It also plays a significant role in supporting the body’s fat burning ability and promoting thyroid health. You will learn more about this product as you read the rest of this article.


  • 200 mcg of Iodine (Potassium iodide)- Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. It also supports metabolic processes.
  • 200 mg of Magnesium (Magnesium Oxide)- It is essential for thyroid function regulation. It also aids in the conversion of T4 to T3.
  • 6 mg of Zinc (Zinc gluconate)- Zinc has antioxidant properties. It ensures a healthy immune system and stimulates the thyroid gland. It also promotes the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 to T3.
  • 300 mcg of Copper (Copper gluconate)- Copper stimulates the thyroid.
  • 3 mg of Manganese (Manganese gluconate)- It is essential for thyroid hormone production.
  • 100 mcg of Molybdenum (Sodium molybdate)- This ingredient is required for metabolism and thyroid protection.
  • 200 mg of L-Tyrosine- This amino acid supports thyroid hormone synthesis.
  • 100 mg of Green Tea Leaf Extract- It helps to treat underactive thyroid. It also increases metabolic processes.
  • 100 mcg of Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)- There is a significant relationship between vitamin B12 deficiency and hypothyroidism. Therefore, this vitamin is needed to increase thyroid hormone production.
  • 70 mg of Multi-Glandular Complex
  • 66 mg of Green Coffee Extract
  • 8 mg of Thyroxin-free thyroid
  • Cellulose
  • Ascorbyl palmitate
  • Gelatin
  • Titanium dioxide color
  • Silicon dioxide

This product is free from artificial flavoring, sugar, yeast, wheat, gluten, dairy products, preservatives, soy, and salt.


You should take two capsules three times per day. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under eighteen years should not take this product. Moreover, people who are under medication should consult a physician before using this product.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer warns people who are allergic to caffeine against using this product. This warning implies that there are chances of experiencing undesired side effects.


The price of the small bottle (100 capsules) is $21.95 on the manufacturer’s official website. The price of the large bottle (180 capsules) is $32.50 on the manufacturer’s site. We did not find any information about price discounts on the product’s official site.


The manufacturer’s return policy allows customers to return sealed and unopened products within 60 days of the purchase date. Therefore, users who have already opened the product and are unhappy with the results are unlikely to get a refund. After extensive research, we found that most users are satisfied with the results of this product because most reviews are positive.


In conclusion, we recommend that you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of this product before buying it. One of the positive characteristics of this product is the strong combination of trusted ingredients that provide an effective daily dose. Moreover, this product has received numerous positive testimonials indicating that many users are happy with what the product can do. However, there is no money-back guarantee for opened products. Furthermore, this product may cause unwanted side effects in people who are allergic to caffeine.

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Food Science of Vermont Thyroid Basics Review

In this product review, we will give all the details you need to know about Food Science of Vermont Thyroid Basics. This product claims to have the appropriate vegetarian formula for optimizing thyroid function, elevating cellular metabolism and relieving fatigue. It also helps to manage mood, weight, and appetite. Read on to learn more about this dietary supplement.


Thyroid Basics Contains:

  • Chromium- It helps the body to regulate blood sugar, burn fat, control appetite, manage weight, and preserve lean tissues.
  • Coleus Foskohlii- It stimulates metabolism for increased fat burning. It also supports iodine uptake.
  • Folic acid- This ingredient plays a significant role in the production of red cells. It also helps to diminish fatigue.
  • Tyrosine- It supports mood by boosting the production of the neurotransmitters responsible for mood regulation. Tyrosine also reduces appetite.
  • Bacopa Monnieri- This herb increases concentration and focus. It also supports the production of the thyroid hormone T4.
  • B Vitamins- Vitamin B2 is essential for thyroid function and metabolism while vitamin B6 supports thyroid hormone production. Vitamin B6 also increases the use of iodine in thyroid hormone production.
  • Copper-This ingredient supports thyroid metabolism.
  • Guggelsterones- It supports the concentration of the thyroid hormones T4 and T3 in your blood.
  • Iodine- It supports thyroid hormone production and proper thyroid function.
  • Manganese- This ingredient is essential for the production of the thyroid hormone T4.
  • Selenium– It supports thyroid hormone synthesis and the conversion of T4 to T3.
  • Tyrosine- It supports thyroid hormone synthesis.
  • Zinc- It takes part in the conversion of T4 to T3.
  • Vegetarian leucine
  • Vegetable cellulose
  • Rice flour


The recommended dosage for this dietary supplement is two capsules two times per day. These capsules should be taken with a meal until the desired results occur. Take two capsules per day with food after the desired results occur. Pregnant and nursing women should consult a health care professional before using this product. Persons with overactive thyroid, cardiovascular disease, bleeding problems, and hormone sensitivity are warned against using this dietary supplement. The same applies to people who are taking nitrates, calcium channel blockers, therapy, blood thinners, and nitrates.

Possible Side Effects

This dietary supplement contains lead, which is likely to cause reproductive problems such as birth defects.


The price of one bottle containing 120 capsules is $19.99 on Amazon. This is a relatively low price considering that number of capsules in the bottle and the price of related products in the market.


We were unable to find a money-back guarantee for this product. We are concerned that the absence of this guarantee is likely to cause quality-related issues. We found only one customer review for this product. Although the review is positive, we believe that more reviews are required to determine whether most users are satisfied with the product.


In conclusion, the positive characteristics of this dietary supplement include an affordable price and a strong mixture of ingredients that can treat different health conditions. However, you should consider the negative aspects of this product before purchasing it. These drawbacks include the likelihood of causing reproductive harm, the lack of a money-back guarantee, and the lack of adequate customer reviews.

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Go Nutrients Thyroid Edge Review

This product review explains the key facts about Go Nutrients Thyroid Edge. This dietary supplement claims to be a natural solution for improving the basic functions and the overall performance of your thyroid. It works by supporting the activities of your thyroid glands and stimulating the production and regulation of the hormones T3 and T4 without posing any risks. Read on to learn more about Thyroid Edge.


Thyroid Edge contains:

  • Horsetail Leaf and Stem
  • Stinging Nettle Leaf
  • Fenugreek Seed
  • Bladderwrack Thallus
  • Kelp Thallus
  • Dulse Thallus
  • Black Walnut Hull
  • Shepherd’s Purse
  • Sage Leaf
  • Irish Moss Thallus
  • Purified water
  • Vegetable glycerin


Take a quarter teaspoon or fifteen to twenty drops three to four times daily, or as required. Shake well before use. Pregnant women should not use this product. Moreover, people who are taking heart or thyroid medications should see a doctor before consuming this product.

Possible Side Effects

According to the manufacturer, this product is effective and 100 percent natural. All the ingredients used to make this supplement are safe and non-additive. They are scientifically proven and tested. They work to accomplish the promised effects without causing any unwanted effects. In this regard, Thyroid Edge does not cause any hazardous side effects when consumed, unlike some products in the market.


The price of one bottle (60 ml) varies depending on the number of bottles purchased at once. One bottle will cost you $29.95 on the product’s official site. If you purchase two bottles at once, you will pay $24.65 for each bottle. If you buy three bottles at once, you will pay $23.36 for each bottle. Therefore, users can take advantage of price discounts to buy the product in large quantities. These prices are relatively high considering the size of the bottle.


A money-back guarantee serves the purpose of convincing potential buyers that the manufacturer is sure that the product will achieve what it claims to achieve. In the case of Thyroid Edge, the manufacturer has offered a money-back guarantee that lasts for 90 days to assure buyers that this product is effective. Users who are not completely contented with this product can return both unopened and opened bottles for a full refund excluding shipping charges. We also identified several customer reviews from users who have tried this supplement. Based on the reviews posted on the official site, there is no doubt that most customers are satisfied with the product.


In summary, one of the benefits of this product is that it contains all-natural ingredients, which are safe for consumption. These ingredients have no side effects when consumed. Secondly, this product comes with a money-back guarantee valid for three months. This guarantee assures users of a full refund of the purchase amount and gives them adequate time to experience the effects. However, the price of one bottle is relatively expensive considering the size of the bottle. In addition, there is little information about the role of each ingredient in the product.

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Innate Response Formulas Thyroid Response Complete Care Review

This product review focuses on the dietary supplement Innate Response Formulas Thyroid Response Complete Care. This product claims to support thyroid function and health. It also supports healthy metabolism. You will learn more about this product as your read further.


  • Iodine- It supports thyroid functions like thyroid hormone production. Iodine also supports healthy metabolic processes.
  • Zinc- This mineral is used because of its ability to maintain a healthy immune system and stimulate the thyroid. It plays a significant role in the conversion of T4 to T3 and has important antioxidant properties.
  • Selenium- This ingredient is required for the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 (thyroxine) to T3 (triiodothyronine).
  • Copper- This ingredient stimulates your thyroid.
  • L-Tyrosine- This amino acid is a vital building block of the hormones T4 and T3. Its deficiency leads to low levels of thyroid hormones.
  • Holy Basil Leaf- It supports optimal metabolic functions.
  • Sensoril Ashwagandha Root and Leaf Extract- This ingredient supports thyroid functions. It contains 8% withanolide, which supports metabolic processes and enables your body to combat stress. It also ensures optimal levels of energy and promotes healthy levels of cortisol to support the conversion of the hormone T4 to T3.
  • Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract- It contains forskolin, which activates cyclic adenosine monophosphate for nourishing the thyroid.
  • Organic Kelp Powder- This ingredient contains high amounts of iodine for the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Vegetable Cellulose
  • Silica
  • Vegetable Lubricant
  • Guar Gum


Users should take two tablets per day or according to the directions of a health care professional.


The price of one bottle containing 90 tablets is $54.96 on Amazon. Although this price is relatively high, it is a reasonable price of a bottle with 90 tablets. We did not come across any price discounts for this dietary supplement.


The manufacturer has a unique return policy that allows customers to return the product. Customers receive 100 percent credit of the buying price for products returned within four months, 50 percent credit for products returned with four to six months, and 25 percent credit for products returned within six and nine months. No credit is issued for products returned after nine months. We found several customer reviews with most users giving positive comments. Based on these reviews, it is evident that most users are happy with the results


In sum, people who wish to use this dietary supplement to maintain healthy thyroid function and boost metabolic processes should remember that it has both positive and negative characteristics. One of the positive features of this product is that it contains adequate concentrations of the key ingredients forming a potent support for thyroid function and metabolic processes. In addition, the large number of positive reviews indicates that most buyers are satisfied with what this product can achieve. We have also identified some significant drawbacks. For example, there is no precise information about the possible side effects that might occur when users consume this product. Moreover, the price of this product is somewhat high.

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