CanPrev Thyroid-Pro Formula Review

This will be a review about CanPrev Thyroid-Pro Formula supplements. The manufacturer claims this supplement is meant to support and promote the healthy function of the thyroid gland and also will recharge your metabolism as well. Please continue reading this review to see if this supplement is ideal for you.


CanPrev Thyroid-Pro Formula contains the following ingredients per capsule:

  • 450 mg L-Tyrosine
  • 100 mg Ashwagandha root
  • 1.5 mg Copper
  • 500 mcg Manganese
  • 200 mcg Iodine
  • 200 mcg Selenium
  • 7.5 mg Zinc

Each of the active ingredients listed are meant to help the body combat stress and are also powerful antioxidants that can improve an individual’s overall health.

Other ingredients include: vegetable-grade magnesium stearate

Since this is a vegetable capsule this is a vegan friendly alternative.


It is recommended a healthy adult take 2 capsules daily unless otherwise directed by a healthcare professional.

Possible Side Effects

There are no warning side effects listed for this product however it must be stated that high doses of iodine or Selenium can be dangerous for a person. Women who are pregnant or nursing should also first speak with their doctor before taking this supplement. Any person who has an existing medical condition or currently taking any medication should also talk  with their doctor to ensure health safety.


This product is not sold directly from the manufacturer’s website. There is a link provided to the authorized online retailers on the site though. The price for 60 capsules is $19.99, which makes this bottle a 30 day supply. There is currently no discount offered for this product.


While there is no guarantee on the manufacturer’s website, the authorized retailers do have return policies that will allow customers to try the products within a certain time frame. For some sellers, if you are not satisfied with the product for whatever reason, you can return it within a certain period of time for a full refund. For some sites, you must contact customer service first to initiate a return. If you do want to contact the manufacturer directly, there is a contact link you can click for any questions or concerns.

As far as reviews go, there are none found, even on the the authorized seller’s website.


CanPrev Thyroid Pro seems like a promising formula for those who are interested in maintaining and promoting the healthy function of their thyroid. Not only does it have quality ingredients, the price is relatively affordable for a 30 day supply. Being that this is a vegetable capsule this is a great alternative to other supplements made with meat, soy, or dairy based products.

It is a shame there are no reviews for this item. New potential customers have a higher chance of purchasing a new item if there are existing reviews already available. Also, the fact there is no guarantee on the actual website itself is something to also take into consideration. However, this issue is slightly alleviated with the fact that the authorized sellers do provide some sort of return policy.

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Saturn Supplements Thyroid Super Complex Supplement Review

Here is a review of Saturn Supplements Thyroid Super Complex supplement. The manufacturer claims this is a proprietary blend of certain herbal ingredients to help aid in maintaining a healthy thyroid. They also state they have added other beneficial ingredients to enhance the formula. Please continue reading to see if this supplement is ideal for you and your thyroid needs.


Saturn Supplements Thyroid Super Complex contains these following ingredients per dosage:

  • 40 mg Vitamin B-1
  • 70 mg Vitamin B-2
  • 40 mg Niacin
  • 80 mcg Iodine
  • 150 mg Magnesium
  • 3 mg Manganese
  • 50 mg Zinc
  • 300 mcg Selenium
  • 900 mg Thyroid-HMX Proprietary Blend: Gugulipid, Coleus Forskohlii, Ashwagandha, L-Aspartic Acid, and L-Tyrosine

Other ingredients include: Cellulose PH 102, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate


The recommended dosage for a healthy adult is 2 capsules per day, in between meals.

Possible Side Effects

It is not recommended to take more than the suggested dose since too much iodine or Selenium can cause adverse reactions to the body. Besides this, there are no other possible side effects listed for this product. Therefore, if you are concerned about taking this supplement in conjunction with other supplements or medication, you will need to speak with a medical professional.


The suggested retail price for this product (which contains 120 capsules) is $37.99. However, they are currently running a 25% off all products promotion making the current price $23.90. Sadly, this product is currently sold out on the website.


The company does state one of their main goals is customer satisfaction which would make a person think there was a guarantee that could be easily found on the manufacturer’s website. However, there was no information about a guarantee on the website. There is a contact link provided where you can send any questions or concerns you may have about the product.

As far as reviews go, I could not find any reviews for this specific product. I scoured the internet to see if I could find any sort of testimonials or reviews on this product and could not find any. This may mean either two things: there aren’t enough people who have tried it or the product is not as good as it claims.


Saturn Supplements Thyroid Super Complex supplement seems like a promising product. It has many of the herbal ingredients necessary to promote overall thyroid health. Its unique blend is also a selling point, making them stand out from the rest of the other thyroid supplements out there. So you would think this is a product you perhaps you could invest your money in, until you inspect the site and product further.

While I would agree to give this supplement a shot, the fact there is no information on a guarantee raises some red flags. Another factor you should definitely consider are the lack of customer reviews as well. I spent a fair amount of time trying to find reviews for this particular product online but could not find any. Even if this item was a stellar product, the lack of customers and information is something that can deter many customers.

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Vitanica ThyroFem Review

This is a review about Vitanica ThyroFem. The manufacturer claims this product is a combination of both botanical and nutritional ingredients created to support the thyroid gland and also the endocrine system. While targeted for women, this is also a supplement that can be used by men as well. Please keep reading to see if this is an ideal thyroid supplement for you.


Vitanica ThyroFem contains the following ingredients:

  • 10 mg Zinc
  • 300 mg Vitamin C
  • 100 IU Vitamin E
  • 500 mcg Vitamin B12
  • 150 mcg Iodine
  • 1 mg Copper
  • 100 mcg Selenium
  • 500 mg L-Tyrosine
  • 250 mg Ashwagandha root extract
  • 100 mg Rhodiola Rosea Root extract

Other ingredients include: Vegetable cellulose and water. This product is vegan friendly.


The recommended dosage is 2 capsules one to two times on a daily basis. The manufacturer also states you should take this supplement in addition to exercising on a regular basis to see results.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer warns that women who are pregnant and nursing should be cautious about taking this product. People who suffer from bi-polar disorder, take immunosuppresant drugs, or have peptic ulcer disease should also not take this product unless agreed upon by a physician. Taking this product in conjunction with barbiturates, anxiolytics, or other types of sedatives may increase the medication’s effect.


For a 60 capsule count bottle, the price of this is $19.95. This makes the product a very affordable thyroid supplement for the general public.


The manufacturer does not provide any information on any sort of product guarantees or returns. The only thing that is provided is a contact phone number, email, and a store locator. However upon clicking the store locator link, the page did not properly load and work properly. Your best bet would be to contact the manufacturer to get more information as to whether or not they provide any type of guarantee at all.

As far as reviews go, there are a few listed from other online retailer sources. Generally they are positive. Many state an increase in energy and also an overall positive effect on their health.


Vitanica ThyroFem is a supplement that can be ideal for both women and men, despite its name. According to the reviews found, this product can boost energy and also increase your health overall. The price point can also be a selling point. It is very affordable for a large group of the general public. It is also honest for the manufacturer to state this product can achieve better results if combined with a regular exercise routine.

While there are some positive factors to this product, you must take into account the fact that there is no customer guarantee for the item. The fact that you cannot even use the store locator is something to consider as well.

If these factors do not deter you, this item may be ideal for you, especially if you are trying to improve your thyroid health, energy levels, and are looking for a vegan friendly supplement.

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Ortho Molecular Products Thyrotain Review

This will be a review of Ortho Molecular Products Thyrotain dietary supplement. Thyrotain is meant to support thyroid function and also improve the body’s response to stress. The manufacturer states this is a unique formulation to help maintain thyroid function. Please keep reading to determine if this supplement is right for you and your current lifestyle.


Ortho Molecular Products Thryotain contains the following ingredients:

  • Iodine: which is a necessary mineral for the promotion of healthy thyroid function.
  • L-Tyrosine: works together with iodine to create thyroid hormones.
  • Ashwagandha: this is needed to promote a healthy immune system, improve stress response, the regulation of your sleep pattern, and also healthy liver function.
  • Bladderwrack Leaf: more commonly known as kelp, this contains a high amount of iodine and is also rich in antioxidant.

This product may contain other ingredients such as: Calcium silicate, magnesium stearate, microcystalline cellulose, and silicon dioxide.

The product is also: artificial color free, artificial flavor free, gluten free, and yeast free.


The recommended dosage for a healthy adult is 1 capsule per day unless otherwise directed by a doctor.

Possible Side Effects

Due to the ingredients in this product, some people may experience an allergic reaction. If you have any history of any medical condition, are currently taking any medication, or are currently nursing or pregnant, you should first consult with your physician before ingesting this supplement.


The price of this varies from site to site. On the manufacturer’s website, you must be a practitioner to make an account to see the suggested retail price of the item. However, upon further searching on the internet, the price ranges between $22.00 to $26.99. If you are interested in purchasing this product, make sure you buy this from a reputable seller to ensure the product’s authenticity. For those that can register with the manufacturing website, you will also have access to a subscription plan.


The manufacturer states in its FAQ that it does honor a guarantee. If the person is not satisfied with their products, they must contact the company to resolve the issue. They do not state what else needs to be done and whether or not the person will be refunded their money.

There are quite a few reviews for this product. Most of them generally positive. I was only able to find two negative reviews. One person felt no difference after taking the product and the other stated they became very sick.


Ortho Molecular Products Thyrotain seems like a beneficial supplement for those looking to improve their thyroid functionality. The product is readily found on online retailers and generally has positive overall reviews.

However, even if you wanted to purchase directly from the website, you can’t unless you are approved by the company. Also, the fact they offer little information about their guarantee can raise some red flags as well. If you are interested in purchasing this review, I would suggest you make sure the seller you are purchasing from has a good return/refund policy just in case you are not satisfied with the results.

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Newton Homeopathics Thyroid Assist Review

This review is about Newton Homeopathics Thyroid Assist supplement. It is meant to relieve certain conditions associated with thyroid imbalances like slow metabolism, fatigue, hair loss, and weight fluctuations. You can get this product in either liquid or pellet form. If you are interested in relieving certain symptoms causes by a thyroid imbalance, keep reading this review.


Here is the list of active ingredients for this product:

  • Echinacea
  • Adrenalinum
  • Thyroidinum
  • Aloe socotrina
  • Calcarea carbonica
  • Chelidonium majus
  • Conium maculatum
  • Graphites
  • Iodium
  • Lachsis mutus
  • Lycopodium clavatum
  • Lycopus virginicus
  • Phytolacca decandra
  • Phus toxicodendron
  • Silicea
  • Spongia tosta

The liquid version also includes these inactive ingredients:

  • USP Purified Water
  • USP Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane alcohol

The pellet form includes gluten-free, non-GMO, organic beet-derived sucrose (lactose free) pellets.

This product is ideal for those who are looking for a non-GMO and gluten-free option to treat their thyroid imbalance.


The recommended dosage for ages 12 and up is either 6 drops or 6 pellets either one to four times on a daily basis, unless otherwise stated by a doctor. For those who are ages 0-11 half of the amount should be taken, meaning it would be 3 drops or 3 pellets. People who are sensitive should start with 1 drop or 1 pellet and gradually increase their dosage as their tolerance grows.

Possible Side Effects

There are no possible side effects listed on the manufacturer’s website; however, as with all supplements, any one who has an existing condition, pregnant, or nursing should first speak with a physician with any questions or concerns they have.


The price for this can vary depending on which size or form you wish to purchase. There are two sizes for the liquid form. For the bottle that is 1 fluid ounce, the price is $16.00, if you wish to purchase the larger bottle at 2 fluid ounces, the price is $26.00. The pellet form also comes with two bottle sizes. The smaller size at 1 ounce is $19.00 while the 2 ounce bottle is $32.00.

It should also be noted the manufacturer does not authorize online retailers to sell their product, they warn that products found on these websites may not be authentic.


There is a 30 day guarantee for customers. If you are not happy with the item and have purchase the item directly from the manufacturer you can return your item for a credit, not your money back. The return must first be pre-approved.

There are not many reviews on this product. There is one review on the company’s website but that was all that could be found. The lack of reviews is something to take into consideration.


Newton Homeopathics Thyroid Assist supplements seems to be an ideal concept. You can get them in either liquid or pellet form and it is also gluten-free. The company is also pretty transparent with the ingredients as well.

However, the fact that you do not get a full refund and instead get a credit can be a deterrence for you. It seems the company assumes you would wish to try another one of their products. It also raises some red flags that there are not many reviews. Overall, this product seems like a risk to purchase.

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Standard Process Thyroid Complex Review

This will be a review of Standard Process Thyroid Complex supplements. The manufacturer states this product will help to maintain thyroid function. Including the maintenance of thyroid function, this supplement can also be taken to improve the overall health and well being of a person. Please read further to decide if this item is right for you.


Here are the ingredients for this supplement:

  • 50 mcg Calcium
  • 600 mcg Iodine
  • 300 mg Bladderwrack extract
  • 120 mg Withania (Ashwagandha) root extract
  • 50 mg Bacopa herb extract

Other ingredients include:

  • Cellulose
  • Calcium Phosphate
  • Dextrin
  • Maltodextrin
  • Sodium Glycollate
  • Silica
  • Hypromellose
  • Magnesium Stearate

It can be a concern for people who do not want Maltodextrin in their supplements.


Is is recommended for a healthy individual to take 1 tablet daily unless otherwise directed by a doctor.

Possible Side Effects

This product does contain a high amount of iodine. If you take too much iodine, an adverse reaction can occur. Be cautious and make sure not to eat food high in iodine when taking this supplement. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take this supplement. Those who suffer from the medical condition known as hyperthyroidism or any other cardiac conditions should are suggested to not take this supplement either.


There are two prices listed on the manufacturer’s website. For a 40 count bottle it is $27.00 while the 120 count is $76.50. If you are interested in saving a few dollars, buying the higher count is more cost effective.

In order to actually purchase the item, you will need to find a health care professional in your local area. The manufacturer does provide a locator for you on their website. However, if you are unable to find a healthcare professional who sells this item, you may need to look for an online retailer.


There is no guarantee that could be found on the website. For someone who is interested in this product, it may be best to find out what the return policy is from the place/site you want to purchase this product from. The only thing the manufacturer offers is a return policy; however, the product must be returned in its original condition.

There are only a few reviews of this product. Generally they are positive and state this is a natural alternative for those who want to maintain their thyroid function. Though they do not provide concrete evidence that this product lives up to its claims.


Standard Process Thyroid Complex seems to be an ideal supplement for those who want to better their thyroid and overall health. The manufacturer is very direct with what they put in their supplement by providing the label on their website.

What perhaps can deter you or any potential customer from buying this is the fact you will need to search online for an online retailer or locate a health professional who sells this item. Another issue that should be highlighted is the fact the reviews are few and while positive do not state the reasons why this supplement works.

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M’lis Thyroid Endocrine Support Review

This is a review of the M’lis Thyroid Endocrine Support supplements. The manufacturer claims taking this supplement will not only optimize a person’s overall health. It is also meant to support the thyroid and its relationship with the endocrine and adrenal glands. Continue to read to determine if this is a product that is worthwhile.


Here are the list of the ingredients:

  • Kelp to provide iodine, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Hops Flower for hormonal support and to help relieve stress.
  • Ashwaganda Root to alleviate stress and anxiety and also to boost the immune system and act as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Bladderwrack to be a source of iodine, B-complex viatmins, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. This ingredient also is added to promote and stimulate thyroid function.
  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Ginseng Root
  • Schizandra Root
  • Bacopa
  • Coleus Forskolhlii

There is no mention as to whether or not this product has soy, dairy, shellfish, or meat products in it. Which can be concerning for a person who has allergies or prefers a vegan friendly supplement.


Neither do the manufacturer website or the authorized online sellers have the recommended dosage for this item. It is highly probably it is 2 capsules daily for a healthy adult individual.

Possible Side Effects

There are no listed side effects for this item. From all the research done, none of the online retailers have the warning labels listed for this item.


The price of this item varies from site to site. The manufacturer website does not have their suggested retail price since they do not sell it directly from their site. However it seems that this item is priced between $29.99 to $33.00 for 60 capsules.


There is no mention of a customer service guarantee on the website. If you were to purchase this product from an authorized seller/site, you would have to follow the return policies of that particular store. If you do have any questions about this particular issue, there is a customer service number you can call or you can also chat with a person online during their working hours.

As far as reviews, there are no testimonials on the website and there are no reviews found on online retail sites which is a cause for concern.


M’lis Thyroid Endocrine Support supplements seems to sound great. It claims to have natural ingredients that will promote overall health and also promote the healthy function of the thyroid and adrenal glands. However, upon further inspection, it seems this product is more of a hassle to purchase and find. Not only are there no customer reviews, the company does not have a customer satisfaction policy. The lack of customer reviews does not allow you, the potential customer, to determine whether or not this supplement lives up to its claims. Now, while everyone is different, reviews are a great way to gauge if an item works at all. Frankly speaking, if you are currently in the market for a new thyroid supplement, there are plenty of different options out there. These other options are easy to purchase, with a customer policy, and reviews to back up its claims.

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Planetary Herbals Thyroid Lift Review

Here will be a review of Planetary Herbals Thyroid Lift. This is a supplement which the manufacturer states is used by those who want to support and promote healthy thyroid function. The manufacturer also states this supplement will have other added benefits such as increased metabolism and energy. Please continue to read to determine if this is a product that is ideal for you and the current lifestyle you have.


The ingredients in this product are:

  • 1500 IU Vitamin A
  • 125 mg Vitamin C
  • 500 IU Vitamin D-3
  • 160 IU Vitamin E
  • 12.5 mg Riboflavin
  • 20 mg Niacin
  • 50 mg Vitamin B-6
  • 200 mcg Folate
  • 100 mcg Vitamin B-12
  • 82 mg Calcium
  • 50 mg Pantothenic Acid
  • 112 mcg Iodine
  • 8 mg Zinc
  • 100 mcg Selenium
  • 1 mg Copper
  • 1 mg Manganese
  • 1.72 Proprietary Blend which consists of: gamma-Vitamin E Complex, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, Guggul Extract, Aswagandha Root Extract, Holy Basil Leaf Extract, Astragalus Root Extract, Antler Velvet, Fo-ti Root Extract, and Forskohlii Root Extract.

Other ingredients included in this product are: dibasic calcium phosphate, stearic acid, silicified microcrystalline cellulose, modified cellulose gum, and silica. This product also contains soy, which means those with any soy allergens should not take this product.


The manufacturer recommends a healthy adult individual to take 2 tablets on a daily basis. The person can decide if they want to take the tablets with or without a meal.

Possible Side Effects

This is not an item for children and for women who are pregnant, nursing, or anyone who currently has a medical condition which requires medication should first speak with their physician before taking this supplement. If unsure and without consultation of a physician, adverse reactions can occur.


The suggested retail price for this item is $24.98 for the 60 tablet count and $48.50 for the 120 tablet count. It must be noted the manufacturer does not sell directly to consumers and some authorized retailers do have this at a lower price. Since this is not directly sold by the manufacturer, it is suggested that you shop around for the best price.


The company itself stands behind a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. If a person is not satisfied with the product, he or she can simply return the product to the store or online retailers they purchased it from. If there is an issue with either the store or online seller, the person can contact the manufacturer directly to resolve the issue.

Many of the online retailers display reviews from consumers, many have concluded this product to live up to its claims.


Planetary Herbals Thyroid Lift is a supplement that is not only backed with a customer satisfaction guarantee, it is also back by the positive reviews from consumers. While it can be a bit of a hassle to purchase from a third party/authorized seller, it seems that with a little bit of research you can get this product at a lower price than what is suggested. Overall, it seems this product does live up to its claims. If you are looking to support your thyroid and perhaps boost the overall energy production, this may be the right product for you.

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RidgeCrest Herbals Thyroid Thrive Review

This will be a review of RidgeCrest Herbals Thyroid Thrive. According to the manufacturer, this supplement promotes thyroid health in a unique way. It states that it focuses not only on the thyroid, but also on its relationship with the pituitary, hypothalamus, and adrenal glands. Please continue reading this review to see if this product suits your needs.


Here are the ingredients according to the label:

  • 60 mg Vitamin C
  • 50 mg Vitamin B6
  • 900 mcg Folic Acid
  • 100 mcg Selenium
  • 500 mcg Copper
  • 1.8 mg Manganese
  • 500 mg Tyrosine
  • 1550 mg Thyroid Thrive Herbal Blend which consists of: suma root, myrrh gum, guggul extract, ashwagandha root extract, bladder wrack, burdock root, coleus forskohlii root extract, blue flag root, and kelp.
  • 15 mg AvailaBlend Bioavailability Complex which consists of: Sichuan Pepper, Ginger Root, Black Pepper, and Habanero Pepper.

Other ingredients include: Vegetable capsule, microcrystalline cellulose, and silica.

It should also be noted this supplement does not contain any corn, dairy, gluten, soy, wheat, yeast, or animal products.


The recommended dosage for this product is 3 capsules each morning until you begin to see results. Once you have obtained the desired results, you can reduce the dosage to 1 to 2 capsules in the morning as maintenance. The company does state it can take a few weeks before you will begin to see results.

Possible Side Effects

For those with delicate stomachs, you may experience an upset stomach when taking the full dosage of this product. There are reviews where diarrhea has occurred. Also women who are pregnant or nursing should consult with their doctor before they use this product. This is also not meant for children.


The price on the manufacturer’s site is $29.99. There is currently no discount offered or is there any type of subscription monthly pay. Considering you would initially have to take 3 capsules per day, one bottle at $29.99 with a count of 60 capsules would only last you for 20 days. It is not until you reach the maintenance portion of taking the product would the product last longer than 20 days.


The company does offer customer satisfaction guarantee. If a person is not happy with the results of the product, the person could simply return it with the original receipt for a full refund. They also state that anyone who encounters any issues can get a hold of their customer service to remedy the issue.

There are currently no testimonials or reviews on the manufacturer’s site but some authorized sellers do have reviews posted, they are generally positive.


RidgeCrest Herbals Thyroid Thrive is an item that can prove to be a bit expensive for someone who is looking for a product to initially last longer than 20 days. However, the manufacturer is pretty transparent about their ingredients, customer return policy, and also states that some people may not see results as fast as others. While there are no testimonials on the manufacturer website itself, this product seems to something you can try without worry of not being able to get a refund if the results are not to your satisfaction. If you are looking for a moderately priced thyroid health enhancing supplement, this may be something you should look into.

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1001 Natural Thyroid Support Formula Review

This is going to be a review of 1001 Natural Thyroid Support Formula. The company states this product is a “multipurpose” supplement. This means this can help with a variety of issues such as fatigue, mood swings, and even certain allergies. Keep on reading to see if this is a supplement that will fit your lifestyle and needs.


This product contains:

  • 100 mcg Vitamin B12
  • 150 mcg Iodine
  • 200 mg Magnesium
  • 8 mg Zinc
  • 200 mcg Selenium
  • 200 mcg Copper
  • 2 mg Manganese
  • 50 mcg Molybdenum
  • 300 mg L-Tyrosine
  • 240 mg Schizandra
  • 200 mg Ashwagandha Root
  • 50 mg Bladderwrack
  • 30 mg Cayenne Pepper

This product also contains: Rice, gelatin, silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

The item is also made in a facility that processes dairy, nut, shellfish, and soy products, which makes it not ideal for you if you are looking for a natural, vegan supplement.


The manufacturer states a healthy individual should take 2 capsules daily preferably with a meal unless otherwise directly by your physician. It states that a person should not take more than 2 capsules daily.

Possible Side Effects

Since this item is high in iodine, this product warns against the consumption of other foods high in iodine. They also warn that pregnant or nursing women, individuals under 18, and those with an existing medical condition should first speak with a doctor before taking this supplement.


On the manufacturer website, this product is listed for a retail price of $24.41. However, it is currently marked down to $19.53, making this a relatively affordable supplement. It should also be noted, an authorized seller does have this marked for an even lower price of $18.53.


There is nothing found about a customer satisfaction guarantee on the manufacturer’s website. There is however, a form for customers to fill out for a return. The form does not have an option to return the product if it does not deliver its claims. There is nothing on the authorized seller’s website about satisfaction guarantee either. The fact that this does not have a guarantee can turn potential customers away from trying the product to see if the claims work.

There are some reviews on the authorized seller’s website, they are generally positive which can help to be a driving force and determining factor for you to purchase. The best way to determine what the manufacturer’s stand is on a guarantee is to contact them directly and ask if it is offered. The contact link is located easily on the website for those who have concerns or questions.


1001 Natural Thyroid Support Supplement is a dietary supplement meant for those who are looking for a multipurpose item to alleviate several symptoms. While the reviews state this is something that can help to calm and reduce certain ailments, you must also understand that not everyone is the same and will have the same reaction. The fact that this item does not have a consumer satisfaction guarantee is something you should ponder. If you are already on the fence about the product and are unsure if this will address your concerns, perhaps this is not the product for you.

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