Caruso’s Natural Health Thyroid Manager Review

This review is about Caruso’s Natural Health Thyroid Manager supplement. Caruso’s Thyroid Manager improves your thyroid gland health and supports the production of thyroid hormones which will improve your metabolism.

If you are interested in improving the overall health of your thyroid system then please read on to find out more.


Caruso’s Thyroid Manager contains the following ingredients:

  • Tyrosine: This ingredient is needed to activate Iodine to create thyroid hormones.
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Zinc Oxide : Zinc is beneficial to the general health of your thyroid gland.
  • Thiamine Hydrochloride:  This is Vitamin B1 which regulates your stress symptoms
  • Nicotinamide: This is Vitamin B regulates your stress symptoms
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride: This is vitamin B6
  • Potassium Iodide: This is iodine which the body requires to create thyroid hormones. Your body cannot produce its own iodine.
  • Selenomethionine: Selenium is required for normal thyroid hormone metabolism. It is required for the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Cholecalciferol: This is an equivalent of vitamin D which is beneficial to the health of your thyroid gland and generally supports your immune system.


The advised dosage is one tablet each morning with your breakfast, unless your physician advises otherwise.

There is no information on the percentage of the daily value of the above mentioned ingredients one tablet contains. It does however give exact amounts of the ingredients in one tablet. But this is of little use unless you want to make these tablets yourself. It is therefore impossible to say whether one tablet contains enough active ingredients to make a great difference to the health of your thyroid gland.

Possible Side Effects

The Pyridoxine and Zinc the tablets contain can be dangerous in large doses taken over a long time. Selenium is poisonous in high doses. Other than that no side effect are mentioned and no interactions with other medications are known.


The price for 30 tablets (a one month supply) is $22.95. If you buy a two month supply you pay $39.95. This is a discount of almost $3.00 per month.


Caruso’s Natural Health offers a 100% money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the product you can return the unused portion of your order in it’s original package including the original purchase receipt. They do not accept copies. Also the product has to be returned within 90 days. Unfortunately this 100% money back guarantee only applies to purchases made in Australia.

I scoured the internet but no reviews are available for Caruso’s Thyroid Manager.


Caruso’s Thyroid Manager seems to be a well put together supplement to support the production of thyroid hormones. I like how Caruso’s website explains exactly what the ingredients are supposed to do and it also gives sensible advise about when to ask a physician for advise.

It is a pity that there are no customer reviews to be found anywhere. Not on the site, not anywhere in the internet. Reviews give potential clients a better idea of the effectiveness of the supplement. The 100% money back guarantee only applies on the unused portion of your order which made me scratch my head, because that doesn’t really seem like 100%. Even worse, it only applies to Australia. If you buy their product from anywhere else in the world you will have lost your money when you are not satisfied with the results.

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A.Vogel Thyroid Support – Kelpasan Review

The following article is a review of A. Vogel’s Thyroid Support – Kelpasan.  A. Vogel’s Thyroid Support is a formula containing kelp, a natural source of Iodine which supports the thyroid gland. It prevents concentration problems, fatigue and rapid weight gain.

A growing number of people (especially women) have thyroid issues. This is probably caused by a lack of iodine in our diet. Do you believe you might suffer from hypothyroidism? Read on to learn more about A. Vogel’s Thyroid Support.


The main ingredient of this supplement is Kelp, a natural source of Iodine. The full list of ingredients is as follows:

  • Iodine from Kelp
  • Microcrystalline cellulose
  • Pregelatinized starch
  • Corn starch
  • Soy polysaccharide
  • Hydrogenated cottonseed oil

Kelp is a seaweed which is a great source of nutrients. It has a particular high concentration of Iodine which is A. Vogel states is lacking from our diet. The goal of A. Vogel’s Kelp supplement is to add iodine to our diet and thus improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

What I find unusual is that the only active ingredient in this supplement is Iodine from kelp.


Children aged 2 to 8 are allowed one tablet twice a day. Adults and children older than 8 years old can take one tablet three times a day. The tablets should be taken with water.

The only active ingredient of this supplement is Iodine. This must mean that there is enough of it in one tablet to be effective.


A jar of 150 tablets costs $16.99. This is a 50 day supply for one adult or child over 8 years old. There are no discounts available for this product.


There is no information available about any guarantee. This might mean that the producers are not certain the supplement actually works. There are seven reviews on the website about this product. Unfortunately the reviewing only consists of rating the product. There is no room for leaving written comments. So there are neither written recommendations or concerns from customers. The product has been given an average of 9 stars out of 10, however. But this might be because the tablets taste very good rather than that the active ingredient iodine actually helping with the normal functioning of the thyroid system. We will never know as there are no written reviews. The combination of no guarantee and no proper reviews gives me some concern.


A. Vogel’s Thyroid Support-Kelpasan looks to be a good food supplement. The reasoning behind the cause of many people experience hypothyroidism seems legitimate, a lack of iodine in our diet. I like that A. Vogel decides to tackle this problem by creating tablets containing only iodine from kelp without adding any other ingredients. This is a start, but not what I like to see in a truly good thyroid supplement, as there are more factors that just iodine that contribute to proper thyroid function. The price is however pretty sensible.

The lack of guarantee is a bit of a worry. Why not offer a guarantee if you believe in your product? Or even a money back guarantee for unopened packages? It is also a pity that there are no real reviews on the website. I would have loved to read what other people think of the product.

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Thyrene Metabolic Damage Weight Loss Solution Review

This is a review of Thyrene Metabolic Damage Weight Loss Solution, a dietary supplement that is designed to improve the level and quality of your thyroid function and boost your metabolism. The manufacturer asserts that this product will help you to effectively accomplish your weight loss goals by utilizing a process called thermogenesis, which basically describes the way the body breaks down food and turns it into heat the body converts into energy. Read on to learn about its ingredients and decide if it is the right weight reduction product for you.

Ingredients (Per Serving)

  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 20 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 4.25 mg
  • Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 100 mcg
  • Folate (Folic Acid) 400 mcg
  • Iodine (derived from Kelp) 150 mcg
  • Potassium 57 mg
  • Calcium 66 mg
  • Phosphorus 225 mg
  • Chromium (Chromium Polynicotinate) 175 mcg
  • Proprietary, (patented) Blend of L-Tyrosine, Coleus Forskolii, Guggulsterones (Guggul Extract), L-Carnitine, Poly-Thyronine and ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)
  • Other inactive ingredients include: DiPotassium Phosphate, MCMC, Silicon Dioxide, FD & C Yellow 10, FC & C Green 3, TIO2 and Gelatin)


Adults are instructed to take one capsule in the morning, with plenty of water and then evaluate tolerance level before taking a second capsule. Also, some individuals take the product with food.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer states that it is important to assess individual tolerance when taking Thyrene or any other dietary supplement. It is noted that some users report feeling nausea and gastrointestinal upset when they take Thyrene without eating. Prospective customers are cautioned to check with their doctor if they are currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications prior to beginning use of the product if they have concerns.


The regular price for this product is $26.99 for 30 capsules, which will provide a one month supply. The company offers no sale or special offers as an incentive to buy more.


Metabolic Nutrition is highly confident that Thyrene is not all pack and no punch, but backs this promise with a money-back, 30-day guarantee should customers be dissatisfied. Upon return of the supplement the consumer will be entitled to an exchange of a full refund.


At a glance, Thyrene Metabolic Damage Weight Loss Solution is a well-represented product. The manufacturer claims that it is scientifically engineered to foster the increase of muscle mass and weight loss as well as improve one’s endurance and physical conditioning. Furthermore more, it states that the supplement actually increases the metabolism. However what it does not do is give us any concrete evidence to illustrate how this is accomplished. The Proprietary blend of ingredients also raises some concerns. We know the ingredients it contains but how much of each component is present and is it the right amount and combination of ingredients to produce the desired result? There is no way that we can see for the customer to definitively answer this question and thus, Thyrene Metabolic Damage Weight Loss Solution might not be the best choice for you.

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Thyroid Strength Review

This is a review of the dietary supplement Mega Food Thyroid Strength, made by Food State, Inc., a manufacturer who declares that their product is vegetarian, certified as pesticide-free, made with no genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and  will supply the most genuine nutrition available on the supplement market today. They also claim that the supplement supports thyroid fitness and increased metabolic function.


  • Iodine (a component of the thyroid’s hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine)
  • Zinc (plays a role in support of immune function)
  • Selenium Copper with L-tyrosine (assists in the process of thyroid function)
  • Coleus Forskohlii (assists with metabolic processes)
  • Sensoril (Asdhwawagandha extract, a plant root)
  • Plant Cellulose
  • Guar Gum
  • Vegetable Lubricant
  • Silica

NOTE: There is no information available regarding the quantities of supplement ingredients


The recommended dosage is described as 2 tablets daily, which may be taken with or without food. However, the product does not tell us how much of each component is contained in a serving which makes it unclear how much of each component in being ingested.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer’s website does not mention the presence of side-effects other than a possible reaction in people with food sensitivities.  It does state that the product is comprised of foods which contain natural enzymes that are easily processed by the body such as brown rice, carrots, oranges, nutritional yeast, cranberries, broccoli and blueberries.  We are not advised that the product could be problematic for women who are pregnant or wanting to become pregnant.


There is no cost listed on the manufacturer’s website. They do provide a tool which may be used to find a supplier based on your location but this does not seem as convenient as being able to order the product directly from the website.


The manufacturer does not offer any type of guarantee for the product and this raises concerns that customers will be unable to return it if they find it ineffective or that it causes allergies or other side-effects.


Mega Food Thyroid Strength seems to be a good product. It is vegetarian and it is manufactured without pesticides and free of many of the additives that may cause allergies. However, it does not tell us how much of each individual ingredient the supplement contains making us wonder if it is the correct amount for the product to serve its purpose. It does not list any contraindications and this is an issue for people taking medications, prescribed or otherwise. For example, Ashwagandha may actually have side effects and interact with other medications. The manufacturer does not caution consumers to consult a physician before trying it.

Food State, Inc. does not provide a clear idea of what the product will cost nor does it offer a guarantee that a consumer will be able to return it if they are not satisfied.  All in all, the unanswered questions will leave potential customers with the feeling that there may be other products on the market that would be a better choice.

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Top Goiter Treatments

Top Goiter Treatments

A goiter can be toxic or non-toxic. A goiter that is non-toxic is simply an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which is not linked to malignancy or excessive production of the thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland can enlarge excessively and can be seen as a huge swelling in front of the neck. Normally, this gland is butterfly in shape, but with the enlargement, its shape can distort. There are a number of causes for goiter. In the past, the lack of iodine used to be the major culprit for this disorder but now it has become a rare occurrence because of the incorporation of iodized salt in our diet. Nowadays, rise in TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level contribute to the formation of goiter mostly. This rise in TSH levels occursTop Goiter Treatments insidiously and can be precipitated by defective synthesis of thyroid hormones. TSH is synthesized by the pituitary gland and it can enlarge our thyroid gland.

Thyroid Drugs

Thyroid drugs can be used for the treatment of moderate or small sized goiter. These thyroid drugs mimic like thyroid hormones, thus sending signals to the pituitary to produce less TSH. This, in turn, leads to the stabilization of the size of the thyroid gland. This method will probably not shrink goiter but it will prevent it from enlarging any further.

Thyroid Surgery

Following are some indications for thyroid surgery:

  • If a person does not respond to the thyroid drugs, then the best, next step is to opt for the surgery.
  • Another major indication for the surgery is pressure symptoms, for example the compression of esophagus and trachea, caused by a grossly enlarged goiter. Such patients complain of symptoms, such as cough, change in the quality of voice, choking episodes while sleeping; because on lying down the heavy goiter occludes the trachea thus producing the difficulty in breathing.
  • The thyroid gland has two lobes. Either both or a single lobe can be enlarged due to goiter. If only one lobe is enlarged, this can lead to the displacement of trachea, which normally runs straight from our mouth to our lungs.
  • In some case, the enlarged goiter can even squeeze our blood vessels which are running through the neck. This is an important indication for the surgical removal.
  • Top Goiter TreatmentsMalignancy is always an indication for the removal of thyroid gland. So, if there is any suspicion of malignancy, go for the surgery.
  • In a multi-nodular goiter, the chances of malignancy are slightly less than five percent. Presence of a dominant nodule in a multi-nodular goiter, raises the suspicion of malignant goiter. Same principle applies for a scan showing a cold nodule in the thyroid gland.
  • Lastly, a goiter can be removed for the cosmetic reasons. Sometimes it can enlarge enough to be noticed as a swelling, mostly in the front and sides, of the neck. This mass, or swelling, can be seen with the naked eye, even before the pressure symptoms occur. This can be a source of unease for some people. They can try, either thyroid medications or the surgical removal of thyroid, for getting rid of their goiter.

Natural Alternatives to Thyroid Hormones

Natural Alternatives to Thyroid Hormones

Natural Alternatives to Thyroid HormonesYour thyroid is important for your metabolism as it regulates all the components of it and when it gets out of whack it can throw off everything in your body. The gland is near your throat so when it becomes swollen it can affect your eating and breathing. This part of your body sends hormones that spread all over the body and contain iodine and help regulate the balance of calcium in your body and regulate metabolism.  There are a couple of things that can go wrong with your thyroid which results in the overproduction or underproduction of hormones. You will need to find medicine that helps your thyroid perform the way it’s supposed to. If you are a person who doesn’t want to try traditional medicine then there are some natural alternatives you can try just make sure you check with your physician before you start any new regimen.

Some people are into living a natural lifestyle so it’s understandable that they don’t want to put the kind of medicine their doctor might recommend into their bodies. There are a lot of supplements made to help with certain ailments and as long as you are monitoring the way you feel and following your physicians suggestions you can help relieve some symptoms with natural means. Do your research about how any supplements might interfere with any other ailments you might have and be aware of potential complications.

There is a natural supplement you can take that is created from animal thyroids and can help you get the hormones you are missing when your own thyroid isn’t working properly.  The mineral Selenium is something that specifically coverts the hormones that are put out by the gland and this is important to the way the thyroid operates. If there is not enough of this mineral present then you might have goiters and other symptoms of a thyroid disorder. You have to be careful with this particular supplement because too much can poison the body. Vitamin B3 which is also known as Niacin is something that can take down the hormone levels in your thyroid.

Iodine is something your thyroid needs to function properly. You don’t want to overdo it with the iodine a small amount will do. Taking a supplement can help tame the symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.  In addition to trying natural supplements to help with thyroid problems you can also treat it naturally by changing up your diet. You will want to make sure you are eating healthy foods that are Natural Alternatives to Thyroid Hormonesgood for people with a thyroid condition. Making a lifestyle change and incorporating the type of supplements you need isn’t easy, but it’s the best way to make sure you aren’t controlled by your disease.

It can be difficult to live with a temperamental thyroid and the more you can do to get healthier the better you will be. Taking control of your health is important and can help you have a greater quality of life.

Eat Healthy to Help an Enlarged Thyroid Gland

Eat Healthy to Help an Enlarged Thyroid Gland

There are issues that come along with having this condition which is also known as a goiter. Not only is it unattractive but it can put uncomfortable pressure on the throat, make it hard for you to talk or swallow, and cause a lot of coughing. When your throat feels swollen it can be bad enough, but you also have to deal with being extremely lethargic and make you feel horrible.

Eat Healthy to Help an Enlarged Thyroid GlandThe types of ailments that can cause this type of problem include an underactive thyroid, and hyperthyroidism. Obviously when you are switching up your diet to help with a medical problem you should check in with your physician, but there are some things you can eat to help you manage the situation.

There are foods that are good for you, but they aren’t good when you have problems with your thyroid. Learning the difference between foods that are healthy and foods that are healthy for people with a thyroid issue is imperative to make sure you are eating the right things for your particular situation.

Lentils, cooked veggies, whole grains, red meat and fish can help manage an enlarged thyroid gland. Eating this and other food will help take away the symptoms and ease discomfort. There are a lot of antioxidants that can help take care of inflammation in vegetables. Take care to stay away from mustard greens, kale, and broccoli because these might make the situation worse. Sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and bell peppers are some vegetables you should definitely include in your diet.

You should include whole grains in your diet in order to get in the B vitamins your body needs to fight the condition. You can enjoy quinoa instead of white rice and make other substitutions as it applies. You should make sure to get as much red meat and fish as you can to bring up your vitamin D and get the omega 3s you need to fight against inflammation. These will also give you the iodine and zinc you need which also help with the condition. Getting enough iron and fiber can help tame down the symptoms of problems with your thyroids and you can get them from legumes and lentils.

Eat Healthy to Help an Enlarged Thyroid GlandThese are also good substitutes for when you can’t get the red meat you need or you want a replacement for the fatty foods you have been eating. You might find that some of these foods don’t agree with you so you have to figure out the best diet that helps you feel better while making sure you are getting all the nutrients you need.

Eating to help rid yourself of a goiter and the symptoms that come along with an enlarged gland are not fail safe treatments and you should always check in with your doctor if you are planning to start a diet for any reason. These are some things you can do to help relieve discomfort and inflammation and keep yourself healthy in the meantime.

Everything You Should Know About Hyperthyroidism

Everything You Should Know About Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a state in which our thyroid gland becomes hyperactive and secretes increased amounts of the thyroid hormones. Basically, the thyroid is a gland which is butterfly in shape and is located a little below our Adam’s apple, in front of our neck. The hormones released by this gland regulate our breathing, body temperature, heart rate, and metabolism, weight, nervous system and various other functions of our body. When our thyroid gland is hyperactive, the increased hormone production speeds up our bodily functions, thus causing the following symptoms:

  • Tremors of handEverything You Should Know About Hyperthyroidism
  • Excessive sweating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Sleep problems
  • Loss of weight
  • Diarrhea
  • Mood swings
  • Irregular heart beat or palpitations
  • Dryness of the skin
  • Muscle weakness or fatigue
  • Trouble with sleep
  • Menstrual irregularities, such as no periods or light flow during periods.
  • Sometimes, a swelling might be present in front of the neck showing an underlying goiter.

Reasons Of Hyperthyroidism

Triiodothyronine and thyroxine, are also known as T3 and T4, respectively. These are thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Autoimmune disorder i.e. the Graves’ disease is the most usual cause of a hyperactive thyroid. In this condition, the body produces an antibody called TSI (thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin). TSI stimulates the thyroid to produces more thyroid hormones. It occurs mostly in middle- aged females and runs in kith and kin.
Either a toxic multi-nodular or nodular goiter can present as hyperthyroidism. Nodular goiters feel lumpy on palpitation during thyroid examination. Hyperthyroidism can also result from the thyroiditis. In addition to that, it can also occur in people who are taking medicines containing iodine (for example amiodarone) or those who consume lots of iodine (either in the form of supplement or iodine-rich foods). Lastly, some females can suffer from hyperthyroidism either during the pregnancy or during the first year following the birth of the baby.

Establishing The Diagnosis

Everything You Should Know About HyperthyroidismHyperthyroidism can be diagnosed on the basis of history of symptoms, physical examination of the thyroid gland and blood test for checking the levels of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and the thyroid hormones i.e. T4 and T3. In special cases, your physician might order a radioactive iodine uptake test or an ultrasound of the thyroid to examine it more closely for inflammation, nodules and hyperactivity.

Treatment Options For Hyperthyroidism

A hyperactive thyroid can be controlled with anti-thyroid drugs. These drugs can block the output of hormones from the thyroid gland. Examples of such drugs are propylthiouracil, methimazole etc. Nowadays, only pregnant women use propylthiouracil, during their first trimester. Another available option is therapy with the radioactive iodine. The radioactive iodine is taken up by the thyroid cells and thus it destroys them. In some instances, women were found to have side effects to the radioactive iodine or lack of response to such therapies. Such women must be offered thyroid surgery. In thyroid surgery, a part or whole of the thyroid gland is removed. The selection of treatment depends upon factors like age, symptoms, severity of the disease, underlying cause, presence of pregnancy, other co-morbidities and possible side effects of the medicines.

What Causes Thyroiditis?

What Causes Thyroiditis?

When our thyroid gland is inflamed, it is referred to as thyroiditis. There are many kinds of thyroiditis and it is important to know about them, since each type has a specific treatment regime.

Hashimoto’s ThyroiditisWhat Causes Thyroiditis?

Chronic lymphocytic or autoimmune thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is the most usual variety of thyroiditis. This thyroiditis was named after Hakaru Hashimoto, a Japanese doctor who first explained this condition in 1912.

In this condition, the enlarged thyroid gland is always present, though the enlargement can be either on both sides or on one side of the thyroid. Initially the thyroid cells fail to convert iodine into the thyroid hormones. Thus, they try to compensate for this by increasing the number of thyroid cells, thereby enlarging the gland.

Uptake of the radioactive iodine might be high, this is a quite paradoxical finding since the patient is actually hypothyroid. But the gland is still capable of absorbing the iodine, even though it cannot manufacture thyroid hormone anymore.

With the disease onset, initially TSH levels rise as the pituitary tries to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more hormones. But the T4 level keep on falling, making the patient hypothyroid. These changes can either occur slowly over the span of years or it can happen in the matter of a couple of weeks.

  • What Causes Thyroiditis?First step should be the replacement of thyroid hormones in the form of thyroid drugs. This will not only correct the hypothyroidism but also prevent further increase in the size of the gland.
  • Research has shown that once the hormone replacing therapy has started, the gland will start shrinking.
  • In ninety-five percent of the cases, antibodies are positive and they are an important marker for the identification of this disorder, instead of using invasive approaches like surgery or thyroid biopsy.
  • The thyroid antibodies might be found in a person who has been cured or someone who is still on the hormone replacing therapy.

De Quervain’s Thyroiditis

This thyroiditis is also known as granulomatous or sub acute thyroiditis. Its incidence is less compared to the Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In this condition, the gland enlarges abruptly and is tender on touch and very painful for the patient.

Initially, the thyroid releases increased amounts of the thyroid hormones, rendering the patient hyperthyroid. After some time, it exhausts and stops taking up any iodine, thus making the patient hypothyroid.

  • Patient feels tired and sick and prefers to stay in the bed.
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is high; this is a marker for the inflammation.
  • Thyroid antibodies are absent.What Causes Thyroiditis?
  • Best treatment is bed rest, aspirin and steroid.
  • Almost all patients recuperate and their normal thyroid functions return.
  • Recurrences are not that common.

Silent Thyroiditis

This type of thyroiditis has the feature of both De Quervain’s and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. There is no pain and biopsy is similar to the Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. On the other hand, the uptake of radioactive iodine is decreased and thyroid blood test is also high, just like the De Quervain’s thyroiditis.

This condition is more common in the post-partum females. It generally does not require any treatment. The best treatment is bed rest and beta blockers.