Thyroid Disease Diet

Thyroid Disease Diet

Your thyroid’s health may depend on the food you eat. The thyroid is a gland in the neck that creates hormones that help supply energy and metabolism. There are some diseases that affect the thyroid. They include hyperthyroidism that speeds your metabolism; hypothyroidism, responsible for weight gain and low levels of energy; and cancer of the thyroid. A good diet along with medical treatment, like surgery or thyroid medication, helps lessen symptoms as well as increasing your health overall.

Vegetables that are Thyroid-Friendly

Many vegetable are high in antioxidants. They support the body’s capability to defend it from disease and infection. Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and broccoli are examples of cruciferous vegetables which actually may conflict with the function of your thyroid. If you are a victim of thyroid dysfunction, eat other vegetables such as tomatoes, seaweed, bell peppers and squash. These will also help keep your weight in check which is always healthy.

Thyroid Disease DietFruits that are colorful

There are many antioxidants and fiber in colorful fruits. Antioxidants help the body work correctly and also protect it from damage. If you eat more fruit, you may reduce your chances of getting cancer. It will also aid your body in fighting cancer. They also contain a great deal of minerals and vitamins. They are also a great alternative to processed candy and desserts. You can choose from cherries, berries, kiwi, citrus fruits, papaya, cantaloupe, plums, mango, red grapes, and plums. Eat them whole instead of the juice.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are good for you because they have a great effect on your levels of blood sugar. It also helps your heart and your digestive tract. If you get rid of gluten in your diet, you may help get rid of symptoms of Hashimoto disease which is a type of hypothyroidism. There might also be a connection between thyroid disease and celiac disease. It is a good idea to put gluten-free products such as wild rice, gluten-free oats and brown rice into your routine.

Cold-Water Fish

Thyroid Disease DietSalmon, herring, albacore tuna, lake trout, halibut, sardines, and flounder have omega-3 in them. Omega-3 is an essential fat that is linked to heart health and good brain function. The University Of Maryland suggests if you have thyroid disease, you should eat items containing omega-3 to reduce inflammation in addition to raising your immunity. Cold-water fish will provide other nutrients besides protein sources that are high in fat, like processed or red meats.

Iron & Iodine Rich Foods

Hypothyroidism causes anemia in many people. It is recommended to eat foods that are rich in iron such as lean meat, enriched grains, and lean meat. They also provide good amounts of zinc and selenium, which helps your thyroid to work better. If your thyroid isn’t working properly, there may be an iodine deficiency.

You can eat eggs, spinach and shrimp to help get extra amounts of iodine. Iodized salt will also help increase your iodine intake.

Calcium rich Foods

People with thyroid problems often have a greater chance of osteoporosis. Make sure you get some low-fat milk to increase your intake of calcium, which will help prevent osteoporosis. Yogurt and low-fat cheese are great alternatives for calcium as well.

What Causes Thyroid Disease?

What Causes Thyroid Disease?

There is a thyroid gland found in our neck region that releases and produces two hormones. Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are the two hormones that are responsible for regulating the metabolism of the body. When the thyroid isn’t functions properly, you get thyroid disease. About 20 million people in the United States suffer from thyroid disease in some form. The cause of this disease that affects so many people is imperative to find out.


A general term that is used to define the conditions highlighted by irritation in the gland is called thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism results when inflammations caused by these conditions slowly destroys cells in the thyroid. This results in levels of hormones in the thyroid gland become extremely low. If cells of the thyroid get rapidly destroyed all of the stored hormones of the thyroid will escape all at once. This condition is called thyrotoxicosis. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are almost the same as thyrotoxicosis. They include insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, weight loss, and increased rate of the heart.

What Causes Thyroid Disease?The usual reason for hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as reported by the Thyroid Association of America. This happens when there are cells that make up the gland in the thyroid that get attacked by the cells that make up the immune system of the body. The thyroid cells are destroyed which creates a deficiency of thyroid hormones. The glands of the pituitary then produce TSH which is a hormone that stimulates the thyroid and make additional hormones of the thyroid. This causes goiter which is extreme inflammation in the thyroid.

Another form of inflammation is called post-partum thyroiditis. The thyroid becomes inflamed, which causes thyrotoxicosis and then causes periods of the hypothyroidism condition. This is a temporary condition that may occur in completely normal pregnant woman in the first year after they give birth. Almost 80% of mothers become normal again after about a year or so as stated by the American Thyroid Association.

Deficiency of Iodine

Iodine can only be absorbed by the glands of the thyroid cells. It is also necessary to have iodine in order to make thyroid hormones. Merck Manual states that an iodine deficiency can also result in a disease of the thyroid. This condition is quite rare. The gland of the thyroid will get bigger to try and find more iodine if there isn’t enough present. A goiter will result that doesn’t have the ability to make enough of the thyroid hormone which causes hypothyroidism.

Cancer of the thyroidWhat Causes Thyroid Disease?

Cancer of the thyroid results when cells grow abnormally which will cause a tumor located at the thyroid. Thyroid cancer comes in four forms. All of them will cause disease of the thyroid. One type of cancer covers 80% of the cases. This is called papillary cancer of the thyroid.

The National Cancer Institute reports the next most numerous type is called follicular cancer of the thyroid. Then the next in occurrence is medullary cancer of the thyroid and lastly, anaplastic cancer of the thyroid.

Tumors in the gland of the pituitary

The gland of the pituitary can be found at the bottom of the brain. It is responsible for making TSH which controls making the hormones inside the gland of the thyroid. You may be able to find a tumor that is noncancerous, an adenoma, in the gland of the pituitary. This may affect the making of TSH. This tumor can also cause too much TSH to be produced which would cause hyperthyroidism or it can cause too little TSH to be produced with would cause hypothyroidism.

What Is A Thyroid Storm?

What Is A Thyroid Storm?

There is a very uncommon condition call a thyroid storm that happens when a huge excess of hormones present in the thyroid stress the body until the point of collapse. An event has to happen that triggers this very large release of the hormones in the patient that already is dealing with a thyroid gland that is already overactive. When hormones in the thyroid increase rapidly, the metabolic functions accelerate rapidly also. A dangerous deadly emergency will result from a thyroid storm.

Sweating and Fever

man-wrapped-in-brown-scarf-looking-at-thermometerWhen the thyroid storm occurs, there is a large intensification in the heat the body produces. Fever is the trademark symptom of this disease. There was an article published in 2006 in a journal that emphasizes that how high the fever will indicate how severe they thyroid storm may be. Drs. Kenneth Burman and Bindu Nayak stated fever will give them important information as to how far the thyroid storm has progressed. Patients with this disease will profusely sweat in an attempt for the body to cool down.


As the thyroid storm progresses, the thyroid hormones continue to circulate through the body at extremely high levels. This will cause the body to have tremors that are completely uncontrollable. This rhythmic shaking is completely unintentional. The head and hands typically will shake uncontrollably. Even though tremors will occur all over the body, they are not noticed as much. The patient going through the thyroid storm will say they are feeling like their body is trembling all over.

Restlessness and Agitation

Restlessness and agitation is an extremely apparent symptom of a thyroid storm. Rapid, intense, broad emotional swings will usually accompany the terrible agitation that the patient enduring this illness is suffering.

Paranoia, Confusion, and Psychosis

What Is A Thyroid Storm?A thyroid storm definitely reduces higher functions of the brain including reason, perception, judgement and comprehension. As the disease progresses, symptoms of a dysfunction of the central nervous system will occur. This will result in more confusion and agitation, along with psychosis and paranoia. This was stated by Drs. Leonard Wartofsky and Joanna Klubo-Gwiezdzinska in their article called “Thyroid Emergencies”. This was published by the Dept. of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. If the thyroid storm is severe, the amount of disturbance of the mental faculties of the patient will be severe. Therefore, if there is a presence of psychosis or paranoia, there more than likely will be a severe emergency medical situation.

Coma and seizures routinely develop if urgent treatment is not given to lower the thyroid levels that are circulating throughout the body.

Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Nausea

The activity of the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract increase due to the activity of the thyroid hormones present. Burman and Nayak stated this in the review article. Profuse diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting are classic symptoms of a thyroid storm. Shock may develop as the patient loses fluid through the symptoms described of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. This frequently is a progressive symptom of a thyroid storm.

Palpitations of the Heart

Hormones raging during the thyroid storm causes the heart to pump faster and harder than it normally should. Patients will be aware of their heart pumping out of their chest. The heart is not able to keep this high level of pumping without creating an issue. It will begin to fail if it continues for any length of time. This is a usual cause of death in a thyroid storm.

What Not To Eat If You Have Low Thyroid

What Not To Eat If You Have Low Thyroid

There are hormones produced by the thyroid that help your body regulate mood, metabolism and energy levels. Sometimes the thyroid doesn’t produce enough of the hormones. This is a disease called hypothyroidism. Your doctor will prescribe a synthetic form of thyroid medication if your condition requires. Your symptoms can be minimized by limiting certain foods and eating a good, healthy diet. Those symptoms may be depression, lethargy, weight gain, depression, menstrual irregularities, constipation, and cold sensitivity. Check with your doctor for further guidance.

Flour that is enriched

Whole grains that are processed are called enriched flour. When this happens, the grain loses valuable mineral, fiber, protein content, and vitamins. This results in an index of high glycemic value which results in a fluctuation of your levels of sugar in your blood. It is recommended you eat whole grains so your symptoms will lesson. The best thing to do would be to replace all enriched white breads, pasta, snack foods, and cereal you eat with whole grains or other complex carbohydrates.

Addition of Sugars

What Not To Eat If You Have Low ThyroidAdded sugars like brown sugar, rice syrup, fructose, cane sugar, corn syrup, maltose and fructose, increase sweetness and calories but doesn’t benefit nutrition at all. Additional sugars also cause fluctuations in your energy level, mood and blood sugar. It also makes it harder to manage your weight and appetite. If you fill up on sugary foods, you don’t have room for naturally sweet items that are good for patients with hypothyroidism, like cherries and blueberries. In order to lower your intake of sugar, replace honey and sugar in coffee or tea with stevia. This is a sweet-tasting, calorie-free herb with antioxidant benefits. Also items like candy, pancake syrup, milk chocolate, jelly, frostings, frozen desserts, pastries, fruit punch and regular soft drinks should be avoided because of the sugars in them.

Particular vegetables

Some vegetables also might interfere with functions of the medication you take and the thyroid function. Even though they are excellent sources of fiber and antioxidants, you should avoidkale, spinach, cabbage, mustard greens, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, turnips, and broccoli according to the Medical Center at the University of Maryland if you have hypothyroidism. You should also stay away from skinless potatoes and mashed potatoes. Inflammation may be increased by fried vegetables and also add to weight gain. Try to eat the fresh varieties instead.


What Not To Eat If You Have Low ThyroidWheat, rye and barley have a storage protein called gluten. There is a correlation between thyroid disease and gluten intolerance. An article published in the November, 2010 issue of “Today’s Dietician”, states that it may be difficult to notice a gluten intolerance if you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Many of the symptoms are the same including abdominal pain, digestive problems and bloating.

If you think food like white and wheat breads, most cereals, commercially made baked goods, and crackers usually worsen symptoms of thyroid issues, attempt to use gluten-free items like brown rice, popcorn and wild rice, instead.


Peanuts, soybeans, certain grains, and pine nuts are proteins that affect thyroid function. If you have been advised to take thyroid hormones, make sure you speak with your physician before using product made from soy, according to the Medical Center for the University of Maryland. These soy products may hinder your medicine from being absorbed.

Thyrenol Review

Today’s review features a product called Thyrenol. Thyrenol has to be one of the best products I have reviewed as far as thyroid supplements go. The makers of Thyrenol make a few claims about their product. One of these claims is that Thyrenol provides the optimal strength for thyroid support. Another claim is that Thyrenol provides immune system strengthening and support as well as boosting antioxidant levels. To find out more about Thyrenol, continue reading below.


Thyrenol contains the following ingredients:

  • Gotu Kola
  • Gugulipid
  • Vitamin B12
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Iodine
  • Schizandra
  • Kelp
  • Bladderwrack
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Molybdenum
  • Coleus Forskohlii
  • Iodine
  • Copper
  • Ashwagandha
  • Zince
  • Magnesium
  • Gelatin (capsule ingredient)
  • Microcrystalline Cellulose
  • Silicon Dioxide
  • Magnesium Stearate


The dosage instructions for Thyrenol are as follows:

Two capsules should be taken each day. It is not specified if they should be taken with water or food, but it does say that a capsule should be taken in the morning and the other should be taken in the evening. Thyrenol is recommended only for adults 18 years of age and older.

Possible Side Effects

Despite thorough research, there were no known side effects found associated with taking Thyrenol. There are some people that should not take Thyrenol, or at least consult with a doctor before beginning to take Thyrenol. The people that should talk to a doctor before taking Thyrenol are:

  • Persons under 18 years of age
  • Pregnant women
  • Persons taking medication for medical conditions
  • Persons who have known medical conditions
  • Nursing mothers


The regular list price for one bottle of Thyrenol is $59.95. However, if you order directly from Thyrenol’s website, you get a discount of $10.  So, one bottle will cost $49.95. The discounts get better the more bottles you order. If you order two bottles, you will pay $69.90, which works out to $34.95 per bottle. If you order three bottles, you will pay $95.85. Four bottles will cost $111.80. Five bottles will cost $124.75. Six bottles will cost $139.80. That makes each bottle cost $23.30. There are no other known discounts at this time. All prices listed do not include cost of shipping.


The makers of Thyrenol offer a guarantee with their product. It is a 60 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not happy with Thyrenol, return all opened and unopened bottles within 60 days and you will be refunded your purchase price amount, no questions asked. If that is not enough to instill confidence in the product, then the reviews just might do the trick. There have been numerous consumer reviews, and the overwhelming majority have been very positive.


Thyrenol has been compared to similar products, and it has the edge in almost every way. It has a few key ingredients that similar products do not have, such as iodine and selenium. Thyrenol does lack a few things that the other products have, such as artificial ingredients and other unnecessary additives. Another perk about Thyrenol is it has multiple payment availability methods, including being PayPal verified.

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Research Verified Thyroid Aid Review

The following is an in-depth review of the product Thyroid Aid by Research Verified. Our research indicated that Research Verified Thyroid Aid is without a doubt one of the best products for thyroid issues. The manufacturer of this product claims that it is a total support formula for complete thyroid care and that it contains clinically proven ingredients for thyroid health. Read on, to know more about the ingredients of this product and whether or not it stands up to the claims made by the manufacturer.


Two capsules of this product contain:

  • 2000 mcg Manganese
  • 204 mg Magnesium
  • 260 mcg Selenium
  • 200 mcg Copper
  • 150 mcg Iodine
  • 100 mcg Vitamin B-12
  • 304 mg L-Tyrosine
  • 200 mg Ashwagandha Root
  • 150 mg Schizandra
  • 10 mg Zinc
  • 52 mcg Molybdenum
  • 60 mg Bladderwrack
  • 20 mg Kelp
  • 10 mg Gotu Kola
  • 10 mg Coleus Forskohlii
  • 10 mg Gugulipid

Other ingredients include Gelatin, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide and Magnesium Stearate.


It is recommended that, adults take one capsule of this product two times a day before meals with an 8 oz. glass of water.

Possible Side Effects

There are no known side effects of this product as it is made up of hundred percent pure ingredients. However, you should not exceed the recommended dosage. Children under the age of 18, anyone with a known medical condition, pregnant and lactating women should use this or any other dietary supplement only after consulting with their doctor.


Research Verified Thyroid Aid is offered in a variety of packages including single bottle, 3 bottles, and 6 bottles supply. The regular list price of one bottle of this product is mentioned as $69.95 on the company’s website but it is currently marked down to $48 and the six month package is being offered for $142, which totals $24 per bottle. This product is also available from Amazon for the same price.


Research Verified Thyroid Aid comes with an industry best 365 days money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with the product then you can return both the opened and unopened bottles within a year of the purchase date and you will be provided a full and prompt refund without any questions asked. All you would have to do is pay for the shipping cost to return the product. This return policy makes the multi-bottle packages offered by Research Verified a tempting deal, as you can send back the product for a full refund, if you don’t like it.


Compared to the other thyroid supplements that we have reviewed, Research Verified Thyroid Aid is certainly one of the best on the market. It is packaged at the same dosage and strength that is recommended by the clinical studies and the ingredients of the product are hundred percent pure. In addition to this their one year money back guarantee is incredible and when we looked at the reviews of this product, we found a lot of satisfied customers who confirm the effectiveness of this product. So, if you are looking for a product that can address all the aspects of thyroid health then Research Verified Thyroid Aid is definitely the way to go.

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SOLAL Thyroid Support Formula Review

This is a review of SOLAL Thyroid Support Formula. The manufacturer is claiming that the Thyroid Support Formula provides your body with the necessary precursors for production of the thyroid hormone. It also claims that the product maintains the function and the metabolism of the thyroid gland. Read on to learn more about this product, its ingredients and whether it is the right supplement for your needs.


This product contains:

  • 267 mg of L-tyrosine
  • 250 mg of Gugulipid extract and
  • 33 μg of Iodine

This is a vegetarian product as the capsule is not made from gelatin but rather a set of inactive ingredients including cellulose by the name of hypromellose, magnesium silicate and magnesium stearate. It does not contain artificial coloring, but as this is a natural herbal product made from plant extracts, the exact content may vary from batch to batch.

The variations in content of each capsule may be a problem to some consumers, as other ingredients beside these were not listed on the product website.


The recommended dose for each of the ingredients is:

  • 800 mg of L-tyrosine
  • 750 mg of Gugulipid extract and
  • 100 μg of Iodine

So the optimal daily dosage should not surpass more than 3 capsules, taken in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast.

Possible Side Effects

This product is considered safe, provided you don’t suffer from an underlying medical condition or taking additional medication for it and that you are not allergic to some of the ingredients.

Some of the possible side effects, mostly due to improper dosage and interaction with other medications may include rashes on the skin, digestive tract issues such as heartburn, gassiness and diarrhea and even headaches.

You should avoid using this product if you suffer from preexisting allergies to any of the ingredients, cancers that are dependent on levels of certain hormones and a hyper production of the thyroid hormone.

Also avoid it during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the safety was not guaranteed on the product website.


This supplement costs $22.88 on the official company website. The product is affordable, with a price slightly smaller than the other supplements in this product range. This may raise a concern as the lower price may indicate a lower quality of the ingredients used in the preparation of this supplement.


The manufacturer and the product website to mention any terms of guarantee and money refund in case you are not satisfied with the product, which leads to a level of concern about the claimed efficiency of the product.

There are two review, both of them positive and claiming that the product works, with one noticing that the price should be lower and that the supplements may need a period of a couple of months to show its usefulness.


SOLAL Thyroid Support Formula seems to be a satisfactory product, made from natural ingredients with the needs of vegetarians in mind. The reviews are claiming the product works and would buy it again if needed. The main down side is a lack of any guarantees and thus, a lack of refunds in the case of dissatisfaction with the product. Depending on your personal needs, this may be the right product for you.

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Dr. Venessa’s Thyroid Balance Review

This is a review of Thyroid Balance by Dr. Venessa’s Formulas. The manufacturer of this product claims that this product maintains the thyroid hormone levels and give you an overall boost with vitamins B and D. Read on to learn about the specific ingredients and see if this is the right supplement for your condition.


  • The ingredients in this product are as follows:
  • Vitamin D: Lack of vitamin D has been associated with a number of autoimmune diseases including autoimmune thyroid disease, as it plays a role in balancing the immune system.
  • Vitamin B-6: The thyroid cannot process the raw iodine without this vitamin and thus, cannot make the hormone.
  • Vitamin B-12: It is vital for the metabolism of red blood cells, giving you energy and keeping the nervous system healthy.
  • Folate (folic acid)
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Bladderwrack powder
  • Dulse seaweed powder
  • Coleus forskohlii extract
  • N-acetyl-L-Tyrosine
  • Rosemary extract

Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium and Zinc are all mineral needed by the thyroid. Without them it would not be possible to produce the hormone.

Other ingredients include local herbs which are believed to help stabilize the hormone levels, although no studies have confirmed this.


One serving size of this supplement is 4 capsules, taken during your breakfast. The supplement contains a whopping 3,333 % the daily value of vitamin B-12, so it is a real boost.

Possible Side Effects

No side effects have been listed on the product website, which is not that strange when you have in mind that this supplement mostly contains vitamins, minerals and dried herbal extracts. The only real problem here is the massive boost in vitamin B-12, so you may want to schedule a consultation with your physician before taking it.


The price is $24.99 for a bottle containing 60 tablets and $44.99 for 120 tablets. This is not a bad deal, as you get a month’s serving with a bigger bottle and you save $4.99. Sadly, there are no discounts when buying multiple bottles, which you can always get when shopping for similar products on Amazon.


Although there are no guarantees listed on the company’s website, if you decide to buy from a retailer you will get free shipping inside the United States and the U.S. territories. You may also return the product within 30 days of purchasing it with a full refund for unopened items, but if you buy it via PayPal you can only get merchandize credit, which is not a bad solution, but not as good as getting your money back.

There are 2 reviews on the retailer website and both of them are highly positive with a single downside being the number of capsules needed to be taken each day.


The makers of the Thyroid Balance supplement claim that it regulates the balance of the thyroid hormone, and the reviewers support that claim. Free shipping and the return policy are also very good, and this product seems like an all-around good choice for your dollar. The only thing bothering me is the insanely high amount of the vitamin B-12, which may lead to some unwanted side effects, so a consultation with a doctor before taking this supplement might be the best course of action.

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Emerald Labs Thyroid Health Review

This is a review of Emerald Labs’ Thyroid Health. The company making this supplement states that it helps the thyroid sustain its normal function and maintain the balance of triiodothyronine, one of two main hormones produced by the thyroid. Read on to learn about its ingredients and our opinion of whether this is the right product to take for your health supplement needs.

Continue reading this review if you wish to find out what are the ingredients making this supplement and whether it will satisfy your individual needs.


Thyroid Health contains the following ingredients:

  • Iodine from Kelp
  • Selenium
  • Thyroid glandular powder
  • Tyrosine
  • Ashwagandha extract
  • Rosemary extract
  • Raw whole-food proprietary blend

Both Iodine and Selenium are components required by the thyroid to produce the hormone and maintain its health. Without Selenium the body cannot recycle Iodine, leading to further complications of the condition.

The raw whole-food proprietary blend is made from food sprout powders, raw plant enzymes, raw probiotic blend, Goji fruit extract, etc. It also has pomegranate juice powder, and pomegranate is known to have a poor interaction with a number medications, namely decreasing the speed and subsequently prolonging the time needed by the body to break down certain drugs such as those processed by the liver and high blood pressure medications.

The capsule is made using vegetables and plant material, making it vegetarian friendly.


Daily recommendation for this supplement is two capsules on an empty stomach. You can take both in the morning, or split them up and take one before breakfast and one before dinner or sleep. The Selenium content is 285% of the daily value, so make sure you check with your doctor before adding this supplement into your daily diet.


The supplement is not being sold on the company’s website, but rather via retailers. One of them is offering the supplement at a lowered price, the original was $34.95 and now $26.21, a 25% savings.


Out of the three retailers offering this product, two of them offer no guarantees, and the third offers you to exchange the returned product for a new one or get store credit. You can do this within 30 days of the purchase and only with a receipt.

This “no concrete guarantee” policy and exchange of the product for a new one might me happening due to the company only having a small margin of profit, but if they intent to sell a well-built product, a proper guarantee is a must.

Unfortunately, there were no reviews for this particular supplement, probably because there was no reviews section on the retailer’s website.


Thyroid Health can be considered a good product, with all the necessary vitamins and mineral needed for your thyroid’s well-being. The price is a strong selling point, with a 25% discount, making it cheaper than other similar products out there. The main problem here is a flimsy or no guarantee policy, the other products might be more expensive, but many of them are actually user oriented and come with a proper guarantee. The pomegranate juice powder is known to interact with other medications, so stay clear of it if you are taking therapy that is decomposed by the liver, or that for high blood pressure.

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Kiawee Thyroid Essentials Review

This is a review of Kiawee Thyroid Essentials dietary supplement. The makers of this product claim that this product not only maintains the health of your thyroid, but also helps in alleviating depression and mental dullness, frequent cold sensations, weight gains, problems with skin, hair and nails, and joint pains. Continue reading this review to learn more about this product and our opinion of whether it is the right one for you.


This supplement contains the following:

  • Vitamin B-12
  • Iodine
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Molybdenum
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Schizandra
  • Ashwagandha Root
  • Bladderwrack
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Kelp

Vitamin B-12, Iodine, Magnesium and other minerals are all crucial for the production of thyroid hormones. Without them, the function of the thyroid drops, leading to condition known as hypothyroidism, or might even shut down the production of hormones entirely. The dried herb extract also contain these same elements, but may pose a certain allergenic risk, particularly Kelp.

Other ingredients include gelatin, rice, vegetable magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. Since gelatin is used to make the capsule, this is not a product for vegans and those who follow a specific dietary plan.

What is more important is that this supplements is being made and packaged in a facility that processes fish, milk and dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy and shellfish, making this supplement unsuitable for allergy sufferers.


The recommended dose of Thyroid Essentials is 2 capsules each day, if possible with meals or as specified by your doctor. It is also specified that the recommended dose should not be exceeded.

Possible Side Effects

No possible side effects have been listed on the product website, however a warning label states that children under 18, pregnant or nursing women and those with a known medical condition should always consult with a physician or a healthcare professional before taking this, or any other dietary supplement on the market.


The standard price for a bottle of Thyroid Essentials is $ 34.95, but at the moment, there is a discount on the company’s website, so the current price is $ 24.95, for a bottle containing 60 pills.


The company making this product offers a 100% guarantee satisfaction. If you are not fully satisfied with the purchase, Kaiwee has an easy return policy, meaning you may return the product within 45 days of the purchase for a full refund.

There are general testimonials made by customers, which are mostly positive. But the lack of a concrete reviews page, with people simply leaving comments about the product may be somewhat of a concern for some folks.


Kiawee’s Thyroid Essentials appears to be good product, with positive testimonials, good price and an excellent return policy offered by the company. But there are some major drawbacks, such as the product being processed and packaged in a facility that also processes known allergens and the capsule not being made from cellulose. This means that this supplements is not recommended for vegans and those who are having problems with allergies.

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